Justice for Janitors and Zapatistas/commUnities of sanDiego/radioActive March 6

By Anonymous (not verified) , 24 March, 2005

commUnities of sanDiego coVered two rallies this week: Justice for Janitors Rally in Kearny Mesa (March 4), advocating for health care, decent wages and benefits for hard working janitors; and Rally at the Mexican Consulate (March 2) demanding the release of and investigation of police crimes against political prisoners from Zapatista commUnities (english/spanish w/ translations)

March 6, 2005 Audio Duration: 1hr 27min

For more information:
Mexican Consulate Rally March 2, 2005

Justice for Janitors Rally March 4, 2005

commUnities of san Diego: Sundays 8-9PM
commUnities of san Diego reports on the diverse commUnities of san Diego and the border region, with a focus on those commUnities underrepresented in the corporate media.

commUnities of san Diego is facilitated by the outReach group of
radioActive san Diego.

Facilitators for this week: DJ Cisco and Queer-J Brad

Show suggestions and feedback: queer-j-brad@riseup.net