Maquiladora Tour/commUnities of sanDiego/radioActive March 13

By Anonymous (not verified) , 25 March, 2005

commUnities of sanDiego covers the Maquiladora Tour to Tijuana industrial areas. Includes recording of presentation at Cittac (Centro de Informacion para Trabajadores y Trabajadoras; Workers' Information Center) and interview with organizer Herb Shore of the Maquiladora Worker Solidarity Network. Audio Duration 54 min.

First few minutes of show cut off (aaarrrggghh).

For further information, to go on the tour or to get involved, contact the Maquiladora Worker Solidarity Network:

commUnities of san Diego: Sundays 8-9PM
commUnities of san Diego reports on the diverse commUnities of san Diego and the border region, with a focus on those commUnities underrepresented in the corporate media.

commUnities of san Diego is facilitated by the outReach group of
radioActive san Diego.

Facilitators for this week: DJs Laslow and Weltgeist

Show suggestions and feedback: