Catholic Workers Discuss The What-Ifs For When Pope Dies

By Anonymous (not verified) , 3 April, 2005
marco [audio edited from this 1apr DemNow!]

Here's the segment from this morning's Democracy Now
where Amy Goodman interviews Tom Cornell and Robert
Ellsberg about all the political ramifications around
the current Pope having been given his last rites again.
Last time he was given them was when he and Reagan got
shot back in the 80's.

"...joined now on the phone by Tom Cornell, an Editor of the Catholic Worker newspaper. He is a founder of the Catholic Peace Fellowship and was one of the first people to burn his draft card in protest of the Vietnam War. He is co-editor of the book "A Penny A Copy: Readings From the Catholic Worker."And we are joined by Robert Ellsberg, the Editor in chief of Orbis Books. In the mid 1970s he was the managing editor of the Catholic Worker newspaper. He is author of the book All Saints: Daily Reflections on Saints, Prophets and Witnesses For Our Times. He also happens to be the son of Daniel Ellsberg of Pentagon Papers fame. Robert Ellsberg, let's begin with you.

"Tom Cornell, Editor of the Catholic Worker newspaper. He is a founder of the Catholic Peace Fellowship and was one of the first people to burn his draft card in protest of the Vietnam War. He is co- editor of the book "A Penny A Copy: Readings From the Catholic Worker."

"Robert Ellsberg, Editor in chief of Orbis Books. In the mid 1970s he was the managing editor of the Catholic Worker newspaper. He is author of the book All Saints: Daily Reflects on Saints, Prophets and Witnesses For Our Times. He also happens to be the son of Daniel Ellsberg of Pentagon Papers fame."