Homelessness, Affordable Housing and Gentrification / Veer Towards Queer March 14

By Anonymous (not verified) , 4 April, 2005
queer-j brad

Rosemary Johnston of the Interfaith Shelter Network and Ann Menasche and Rocky Neptun of the Affordable Housing Coalition discuss homelessness, affordable housing and gentrification in San Diego. Audio Duration: 1 hr 56 min.

"This city should be indicted for its violation of human and civil rights as far as homeless people go."
"We're turning into something like Charles Dickens' time - if we don't unite behind the poorest of the poor, we all will suffer."
"If you go the the gaslamp quarter [tourist magnet] in the wee hours of saturday or sunday morning, you will see more trash and inappropriate behavior in one night than you will see with the homeless population downtown in a whole year, yet no one is raising a hue and cry to make those patrons invisible."

For more information:
http://www.acorn.org/ (619) 235-9593
D.U.R.O. Developing Unity Through Resident Organizing PO Box 620435 San Diego CA 92162-0435

Veer Towards Queer with Queer-J Brad 5-7PM PST Mondays on radioActive sanDiego

Veer Towards Queer attempts to promote solidarity amongst oppressed groups by probing commonalities in modes of repression and exploring possibilities for common resistance.