Seymour Hersh- "we've been taken over by a cult"

By Anonymous (not verified) , 4 April, 2005
ben frank

audio mix of a Seymour Hersh's views on Iraq

entire interview here

great quotes from Mr. Hersh:
"I can't begin to exagerate how frightening the position is we're in right now... The amazing this is we've been taken over basically by a cult. 8 or 9 neoconservatives have somehow grabbed the government, but they've managed to overcome the bureaucracy and the congress with the greatest of ease.

The new 9/11 bill "consolidates an awful lot of power in the pentagon. It gives rumsfeld the right to do an awful lot of things he's been wanting to do, basically manhunting- killing them before they kill us."

"Insurgency" = BS

"There are some facts- we can't win this war... we can bomb them to the stone ages..."

Since installing the puppet government, the number of bombing raids has grown exponetinally each month. "There is no air defense- it's simply a turkey shoot."

"The rage in Europe is enormous"