45 minute Audio story of 2 differant Rallies in front of State Capitol,Ph,Az 1)Latino group fighting against Anti-Immigration legislation. 2)League of Az Cities and Towns joining the fight against Cable TV Public Access legislation to limit Public Access. This is the second Rally concerning Cable TV legislation.
Press Conference
Time: 11:00
Location: Capitol Grounds, (17th and Jefferson)
Date: Monday, April 4, 2005
Re: Join Human Rights Walk from Mesa to Phoenix
Day Laborers and Students
25 Mile Walk Next Tuesday
Begins a New Era After Prop. 200
Despite Fast Pace Efforts to Rush Bills Like HB2592 and HB2030
Phoeniz, AZ -The Walk for Human Rights, initiated by Day Laborers and Students in opposition to current anti-immigrant legislation has gained momentum and broad support from Elected Officials, Churches, Business Owners, Neighborhoods and Families. County Supervisor Mary Rose Wilcox will be present to announce elected officials support for the Walk.
Hundreds of others including teachers, labor unions and national organization representatives will join the Walk to voice strong opposition to defeat the bills. The impact of the pending bills will have negative economic repercussions not only on immigrant communities, but all residents of the state of Arizona.
The Senate Fast Pacing of many of these bills including HB2592 to be heard on Tuesday Morning makes this walk one of the most important since the days of Cesar Chavez Fast in Phoenix Arizona
House Bill HB 2563 has passed the House and is nearing a final vote in the Senate. In practice, this bill wouldl end public access cable television throughout Arizona.
It would limit to two the total combined number of public access, educational, and government (P.E.G.) channels which a community may require in exchange for cable operators commercial use of public property. The bill would set a precedent to limit communities ability to negotiate charges for commercial use of public property.
Before passing the House, an amendment was added to authorize commercialization of government channels. Content on government channels would become subservient to demands of advertisers.
This bill is being pushed through by lobbyists for Cox Cable which may have more influence in the state legislature than do Arizona residents. A Cox press release suggested that Cox will fund campaigns for those who support the Cox agenda posing a threat to those who put public interest first.
House Reps who voted for the bill tend to be from areas with no public access channels.
This front in the battle for free speech and democracy is critical. Don't leave it for somebody else to do, or it won't get done. We'll be happy to see you there.