The Pope is Dead / Veer Towards Queer / radioActive sanDiego April 4

By Anonymous (not verified) , 6 April, 2005
queer-j brad

Recovering catholic Queer-J Brad presents his somewhat incoherent first impressions and those of others upon the death of Karol Wojtila. Whenever he had an opportunity to act as a significant force for positive social change, the pope sided with his fellow elites. Audio Duration: 54 min.

Karol Wojtila was the elites' pope. The only role for the people in his papacy was as props in his publicity stunts.

Perhaps one could temper one's criticism of him because of the oppressive structure of the church, with all of its awful history, within which he operated. However, following his own critique of Liberation Theology (as paraphrased by fawning biographer George Weigel) "sin should not be primarily located in social, political, or economic structures, but in human hearts."

So what was in Karol Wojtila's heart when he was formulating his devasting policies on: liberation theology, women, queers, yugoslavia, condoms and hiv/aids, birth control, mother theresa and her sham charitable acts, pinochet, escrivá and opus dei, rape of children by priests, and much more?

Sometime in the next month I will review Karol Wojtila's record in depth.

Veer Towards Queer, with Queer-J Brad 5-7PM PST Mondays on radioActive san Diego

Veer Towards Queer attempts to promote solidarity amongst oppressed groups by probing commonalities in modes of repression and exploring possibilities for common resistance.