Free Radio Santa Cruz: Tent University reports from protest

By Anonymous (not verified) , 19 April, 2005
Agusto Cesar Sandino Segundo/FRSC

Audio phone reports to FRSCs 101fm Global Local show from Tent U Protest action on 04-18-05
Various FRSC reporters describe events as they occur

Audio phone reports to FRSCs 101fm Global Local show from Tent U Protest action on 04-18-05
Various FRSC reporters describe events as they occur:……

On Monday, April 18th at 9:53 pm, University of California police descended on Tent University Santa Cruz (TUSC) and declared an unlawful assembly at the base of the UC Santa Cruz campus. Then at 10:17 pm the police began trying to arrest about 100 people that were locked down and chanting loudly. Police used pain compliance techniques on about 20 people and violently pried people apart from direct democracy circles, though some people did manage to escape from the pain compliance holds and again lock arms with other folks in the circles.
Entire story here: