Our Fellow patriot Kevin Booth has just finished his Bill Hicks Bio!!! "BILL HICKS - AGENT OF EVOLUTION" Just got it, and it is smokin!
Our Fellow patriot Kevin Booth has just finished his Bill Hicks Bio!!! "BILL HICKS - AGENT OF EVOLUTION" Just got it, and it is smokin!
Kevin was filming with us in NYC for the coronation, and is a long time friend of Bill's. Check it out. www.harpercollins.co.uk
This was the Funniest dude to every grace the Comedy scene... He knew all about the NWO. He died young as the good often do. The book is a good way to get some info on the NWO out to the masses, while giving the rest of us some well needed comic relief!
Kevin is a superb writer and film maker (catch his name on several AJ vids) http://www.sacredcow.com http://www.911exposed.com http://www.linktoit.com