Peacetalks: Canadian Seal Slaughter

By Anonymous (not verified) , 21 April, 2005
George Cadman

Interview w/ Paul Watson on the Farley Mowat describing recent seal slaughter in Canada.

Interview w/ Paul Watson on the Farley Mowat describes recent seal slaughter in Canada and boycott against Canadian seafood products.

Recent News from the Farley Mowat in the North Atlantic:


A Sea of Blood as the Government of Canada Tallies the Dead and the Dollars

Report from the Farley Mowat

Position: The North Atlantic Ocean

The Canadian government halted the seal slaughter on Sunday night so they could tally how many innocent baby seals were cruelly slaughtered since the killing began in the Gulf of St. Lawrence on March 29th.

Seal carcasses left on the iceThe kill quota this year is 320,00 seals. If the average seal is one meter in length, then every thousand seals killed is a kilometer. In other words, if you line up the seals in this quota end to end, this amounts to a line of dead seal bodies 320 kilometers or some 200 miles long. How can such a remorseless slaughter be considered sustainable?

If each seal has 4 liters of blood, this means one million two hundred and eighty thousand liters of blood spilled onto the ice and into the sea in the past few weeks.

A veritable sea of blood, a horrific massacre blessed by the Newfoundland clergy and sanctioned by the government of Canada.

Recent reports from government officials claim that the quota is still one hundred thousand under the 320,000 figure.

According to the government, the nearly one hundred vessels in the Gulf of St. Lawrence killed 107,000 in three days. This means that the over three hundred vessels on the Front have been having a difficult time in killing the 110,000 they reported taking since Friday. With luck, the bad weather and ice conditions will prove to be a salvation for some of the seals.

for more info

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