Mindaltering Combo MP3 - A MUST SHEAR for every radio DJ in this world.

By Anonymous (not verified) , 23 April, 2005
Darth Vito and Eric Rainbolt

This is a MUST SHEAR MP3. Every radio DJ in the world needs to give this a listen and play for their audiences...

This is a powerful truth telling combo MP3 for our times based on the Star Wars empirial march and an intiguing new song pointing out the Chemtrail arial cropdusting/spraying of our atmopshere worldwide with toxic chemicals.

See http://www.bariumblues.com and
http://www.chemtrailcentral.com for more info on Chemtrails.

and to learn what is meant by a Chemtrail Spider, see these links: http://www.newciv.org/nl/newslog.php/_v35/__show_article/_a000035-00013…


This is real shite... it really doesn't get more obvious than this...

This is a MUST SHEAR MP3. Every radio DJ in the world needs to give this a listen and play for their audiences...

Free to share!

Here is the MP3... please email it to every cool DJ out there...

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