PoP dEFECT RADIO: Media Meyhem Vol1
Featuring Polarity/Danny Schecter, PDR spec mix, Wax Audio, Immortal Technique, Rx Music,Husker du, Dept of Corrections
PoP dEFECT RADIO: Media Meyhem Vol1
- mfg media mix
- Polarity/Danny Schecter - Media Wars http://www.newsdissector.org/dissectorville/music_mediawars.html
- Dept of Corrections: fearchannel remix
- PoP dEFECT Radio - Mega Media Illusion mix http://radio.indymedia.org/node/4617
- Major Combat Operations http://www.waxaudio.com.au/
- Immortal Technique - The 4th Branch http://www.viperrecords.com/imtech/revolutionary2samples/revolutionary2…
- Rx Music - KGBTV http://www.thepartyparty.com/
- Husker Du - Turn on the news Zen arcade 1984
- Polarity/Danny Schecter - Media Wars(finshed)http://www.polarity1.com/fcfree.html
SEND MUSIC POB 7507 Santa Cruz Ca. 95061
Email mp3s: skidmarkbob@rattlebrain.com
PDR airs live on Freak Radio Santa Cruz 101fm www.freakradio.org
Every Tuesday 2pm PST Tune in!!!
Directions While Listining: AUDIBLY LOUD, Stick your head out the window(preferably w/ headphones) and say I'M MAD AS HELL And NOT GONNA Take ANYMORE!!!!