Roma Day march against racism
Around 300 people, predominantly Roma and Sinti people from across Europe, marched through London to show their opposition to anti-traveller racism.
The march followed a service remembering the victims of the porrajmos (the holocaust), and of more recent ethnic cleansings and pogroms across Europe. We marched to a public meeting, where Travellers discussed how to respond to evictions (which are often distressing and violend) and the increase of anti-Traveller racism in the media, which this year has reached new heights in the UK. The meeting included the announcement of the formation of a political party for Gypsies and Travellers, which will provide support for Travellers who intend to stand in elections. The first Traveller candidate announced her plans to stand against, and beat, Michael Howard in the forthcoming general election.
For background see Indymedia Uk Feature:
For shorter compilation of interviews see:
For individual audio files see: