INSURGENTS ARE US: Death Squad Capitalism
The American staged election in Iraq, which was designed to sub-contract their Death Squads and provide a façade of legitimacy for an otherwise illegitimate phenomenon, is three month old. Yet behind the armored walls of the protected Green Zone, with all the pressures from Rumsfeld, Rice and Khalilzad and even when faced with the possibility of assassination, kidnapping and Mosque burnings the handpicked members have not still succumbed to the American choice of appointees.
This is a strange phenomenon that people go to poles, elect a list of hooded, nameless and faceless representatives, then vote for a slate of candidates that no-one knows or what they really spouse. It become even stranger when the world is seeing that even this sham, behind the fortress of the so-called Green Zone has failed to produce a puppet government to represent the occupiers will. It becomes weirder when you see there is no analysis of this farce in the media.
American occupiers arranged the election so the desired personnel composed of outsiders like allawi and Jaaffari thugs of traitors, murderers and thieves would run Iraq for America. The Corporate Media, pronounced this ploy to the world as the Iraq “ historic election” that would send shock waves through the dictatorial Muslim world that would ignite a chain reaction of after shocks to liberate the Middle East from political and cultural oppression. There is no government because they are afraid of us Death Squads. They know it is like joining the Mafia and swearing allegiance to the Godfather. Once you are in it there is no way out of it . They are aware of the fact more that any one else that Insurgents are US.
The US is everywhere. US is everywhere! US control their phones, their security, al aspects of their daily life, and their environment. The whole puppet government is living inside the Green Zone protected by !50,000 occupiers, 50 thousands strong mercenary contractors and about 136000 regular Iraqis. Then why Khalilzad cannot produce the miracle of a Trafficker “Islamic Republic” government like he did in Afghanistan? First Iraqis are more civil, more educated and more sophisticated than the Afghan Nomads. Secondly, Khlilzad will produce one so far as he arms and train a Death Squad militia force for every representative so they feel protected from each other and from the hate of general population.
The picture of blue fingers were all over form Fox news to the Znet and common dreams as a reality not a hoax! Which proves that “You can be Dumbfounded in a Moving Train”; but not Neutral as Howard Zinn declares!! Or alternatively, “you can get fingered in a moving train.” You better watch out! Lets go and find out one article in the alternative media which actually describes the reality of the farce election in Iraq. There is none! Everyone was happy that day! Everyone reported this important triumph of “democracy“!
The so-called elected members of the national assembly are still negotiating with Zalmay Khalilzad, the pro Taliban Lobbyist who was instrumental in installing the Warlord Democracy in Afghanistan. He has demanded that cabinet members must believe in America First , would represent the will of America and would accept and execute Iraq’s post-invasion ownership of resources to the occupiers.
To accomplish this task the US Embassy is coordinating a campaign of indiscriminate terror until the ministries of defense, interior. and oil are filled with the U.S. Trojan horses. Everyday bombing are actually good news for the Death Squad business and the Office of the Coordinator for Reconstruction and Stabilization, which was formed on August 4 of 2004, headed by Carlos Pascual. The more destruction in Iraq the higher would go the stocks of Corporations that are getting a blanc check for reconstruction! This office was created to pre-empt destruction of nation’s infrastructure and then making the crippled nation begging for help and give everything to the IMF and submit their sovereignty to Mr. Wolfowitz’s World Bank demands.
To intimidate Shiia majority into submission, Death Squad sub-contractors have been busy in Iraq blowing-up Shiia Mosques and blaming Sunni’s for it, assassinating nationalist Sunni scholars and announcing it as work of Shiia’s. Blowing up trucks , in front of restaurants, schools, bus-stops all to instigate terror in the mind of population so to sacrifice everything and anything for security. This plan is the copy cat of what was done in Nicaragua under the leadership of John Negroponte with great success. There the task was to destabilize the country so that the Sandiness would abdicate power. In Iraq, American would like to establish a Contra government by expatriates Death Squads. That is why America is doing whatever it can to nip Iraqi nationalists in the bud and make everybody involved in national incrimination and recrimination so there would never be a credible national resistance.
To achieve a government by American and for preservation of American interests for years to come, with minimum casualty is the aim of American Empire not only in Iraq but the whole middle East, It is the Americans who provide pay-off, training, indoctrination camps, arms, know-how, and even targets for the so-called insurgents. Never mind the propaganda of the embedded journalists with their sensational reports. Just as the US government needs to create terrorists to justify its war on terror and billions of expenditure in giant Security Industries, the US Army needs insurgents to blow things up so it can get funded. It is insurgency that the Giant military machine needs.
Unfortunately, the frozen and ethno- centrist mind of the so-called liberals of the Nation Magazine, Z Magazine, common dreams and other varieties of Antiwar and Iraq watch groups cannot apprehend the enormity of the crime that is being committed by their fellow Americans. Among those who understand they know very well that “they are in the same train” therefore some fruit of this mass destruction of the world would trickle down to them and their families.
The other part of the intellectual left has been taken hostage by the feeling of “Israel First” and would not allow their mind to go in the path of discovery. hence it might jeopardize the security of their motherland.”
Right from the Fall of Baghdad ,when Iraqis succumbed and Bush correctly declared “Mission accomplished” it became clear that mission must not be “accomplished”. America made this war not only for oil and capture of Iraq’s oil fields but to destroy Iraq’s infrastructure to make it dependant and virtually cripple it in order to take care of it and appropriate its oil in an escrow account and spend it to its reconstruction.
America needed the Insurgency and therefore deliberately created it. The question of why the Iraqi army was disbanded, why policeman were sacked, why the museum were ransacked, why the libraries were burned, even why the oil pumping stations are sabotages are all answered because American corporations get the Iraqis oil as payments. In two years of occupation no money has been spend in social services, medication ,water, sewer and electricity. Indeed everything form Fallujah to Hallabche lays in ruin with under funded projects. This was not the mission.
When John Kerry with the help of his corporate friend hi-jacked the nomination of his party and the progressive were complaining why unlike the American Idealist John Dean does not ask for withdrawal
of troops, they did not know that Iraq is the life blood ,the reproductive which generates life into the American corporations, and its Military Industrial conglomerates. Insurgency is the reason that US is spending two billion dollars a week buying bombs, armors , getting the finest gadgets. Insurgencies are water in which the Military Industrial predators can exist ,breath and destroy the world. That is why American occupiers have supported the formation of thousands of mafia style Death Squads from smugglers, drag traffickers, kidnappers, bombers, Moslem Zealots, Shiia gangs, Sunni torturers into armed
militias who have become Americas subcontractors.
For those defeatist I would say wake up America has successfully broke Iraq in three parts and made each part fight each other and tear each other apart. Iraq today resemble a “Mexican Cock Fight Drama” rather that a country fighting for its survival. The more we deny this reality the less we attempt to see the next move of the Neo-cons.
The progressive forces must be a step ahead and predict the move of Neo-Con ideologues. From the event of 911 the Christian Fundamentalists and their Neo-Con allies have hijacked America and the progressive forces are in disarray. We have all become reactive rather than proactive in order to predict the events.
Insurgents in Iraq do not know each other. Yet they are all hired to instigate terror in their fellow citizens. That is why when last week Allawi’s Militias declared an Insurgent camp of more that 100 were attacked and killed en mass, the next day an embedded reported went to the camp and had an actual interview with 60 survivors who said the camp is in full operation. No one in the general media questioned the news that when Americans are in control all over, how can a so-called insurgent camp operates in open space and have visitors. Unless the camp belonged to rival Death Squad terrorists with the American blessings. The real insurgents do not interview in open air
All we are waiting is the final news that the Shiia’s have accepted the American nominees of vital ministries. The moment this is achieved the media would announce the formation of the new Iraqi government so that in less than three months to put its stamp of approval on what the provisional authority has dictated to them long ago. Obviously there would be discussion and disagreement; but, whosoever disagrees with the occupying power would be assassinated, bribed, intimidated or otherwise co-opted to submission so that Iraq would become a protectorate of the United States for as long as it has any oil reserves.
Obviously, Iraqi’s would be free to kill each other, terrorize each other, bomb each other, and kidnap and rape their neighbors. They can have gangs, militias and morality squads to make sure that the most regressive manifestation of Islamic laws, teaching and principals are observed in the Islamic Republic of Iraq. After all Khalilzad wrote the book on that. Neo-cons version of fundamentalist Islam is no threat to the United States. They are our best capitalist allies.
It is decided that in the Islamic world the US would no more rely on Despots like Mobarak in Egypt but would liberate the masses by giving them the ideological alternative of an “Islamic Republic.” After all the Islamic Republic of Iran which meticulously was installed by General Huyser produced the Billionaire Mullah Rafsanjani who was our ally in the infamous “Iran Contra” scandal, and now he might be the only American Mullah who could be installed in Iran. In Iraq Persian Mullah Sistani would ensure that the Corporations would takeover Iraq, so far as the constitution give Islam a lip service to Islam and so far as shiia Militias and morality Squads can terrorize any progressive movement and intimidate woman into a virtual serfdom. In addition just like their Afghan and Persian Counterparts the Iraqi Mullahs would like to have monopoly in smuggling, drag-trafficking, alcohol distribution, prostitution and slave trade.
For an un-informed public and miss-informed Intelligentsia the National Intelligence council would have easy time to create artificial insurgencies that would instigate chaos and destruction and then the Death Squads and army moves in to pacify the restless population. The next step is the IMF and the World Bank that would come up and reconstruct the ruins but never the social services.
This is the simplistic version of the Neo-cons theory and practice. In its short-sited view of history combined with an immoral gangster logic it would become a diabolic theory of human existence. In “Death Squad Capitalism” when the infrastructure of the target country is destroyed the corporate financiers would move in with armed mercenaries to quell the fabricated insurgency and as their rewards they would pick-up lucrative contract to build it according to the Empire’s grand plan with financing from the World Bank.
Accordingly, in the event of real insurgencies the Forces of Empire with its know how would move to obliterate the insurgents and follow the same strategy.
Iraq is the prime example of “Death Squad Capitalism” in action. It is obvious that Iraqis were too nationalistic too devoted to their motherland . They did not ever rejoiced when the American Tank pull down Saddams Statues. They did not celebrate when Saddam was captured. They did not welcome the invaders. They started to resist the moment that find out they were bamboozled into giving up their country so fast for the obvious reason to save their infrastructures from destruction by devastating fire power of the US.
Neither them nor any political scientist of any persuasion knew the sinister plan of the racist Empire which had targeted Iraq to be the epicenter of the world Insurgency . Iraqis are condemned to manufacture insurgents so to provide targets for the mercenaries and professional assassins to kill them. Up to April at least one hundred thousands Innocent Iraqis have been massacred by the occupation force. Millions have either injured, terrorized, lost their properties and are dying from malnutrition and lack of medical care.
Nobody cares! You cannot even publish an article from their point of view in Occupation watch! It is as if every site leads to the Defense Department office of Disinformation!
No one got it right when the US administration declared that they “are fighting terrorists in Iraq so they do not have to fight them back home.” What they meant was that Iraq has been designated as the breeding ground for US manufactured Death Squad Militias in which one group of militias under US command would behead people, another US militias kidnaps, the third one blows Shiia’s mosques ,the forth would blow the pipe the list goes on and on and the gullible imbedded reporters reports what he has been told to report which in turns feed the world news tonight and every night.
Next time you see a video of plain downing , or beheading of an American wearing the jump suit just think is it possible that these insurgents are US ! It is US who manufacture them when we want appropriation for armored while, the Insurgents are US when they blew Shiia Mosque to start sectarian hatred. The Insurgents are US when they assassinate Sunni scholars; the insurgents are US when a three ton truck bomb hit’s the UN to get them out; the insurgents are US when they kidnap and kill the journalist that Defense Department doesn’t want them to report news from Iraq. The Insurgents are US when their news is fundamentally directed to shape public opinion at home and abroad towards the specific goals of the US Military-corporate alliance.