ASC Excerpts

By Anonymous (not verified) , 29 April, 2005
AF - August Sound Coalition

Excerpt Notes 4/29/05

Audio time 2'33

August Sound Coalition

Excerpt Notes 4/29/05

Audio time 2'33

In order of appearance in audio.

1. Intro from summary reports re-capping webstream broadcasts during the RNC, Kat Aaron.
2. Excerpt from Call-in from to A-Noise live webstream,
3. Excerpt from Interview with people visiting from Vermont in NYC on Sunday at UFP&J March
4. Excerpt from live performance by Chris Leo at A-Noise studio
5. Excerpt from Pauline Oliveros interview by Damian Catera
6. Excerpt from Interview with Simon Sanchez, co-organizer of DNC To RNC march

7. Excerpt from performance by RADA at Free Radio Dumbo, Brooklyn, Fall 2004
8. Excerpt from "A collage generated from shortwave recordings made in Delhi, India on this day two years ago (March 25th, 2003), about 1 week into the US invasion of Iraq. Featuring commentary on the war in Russian, Chinese, English, Bengali, Arabic, etc..." by Alexis Bhagat, broadcast on ASC Winter 2005
9. Excerpt from interviews with young people in solidarity with protests against environmental racism in the South Bronx, Fall 2004
10. Excerpt from interview with Antonia Juahez on the economic invasion of Iraq, Winter 2005
11. Excerpt from interview with Williamsburg community organizers, Winter 2005
12. Interstitial, Winter 2005