The third week of Las Zonas De Autonomia Temporaria. (Z.A.T.) - Chiapas, Mexico
The first half of the show will be raw audio recordings of Zapatista hymns and songs from la caracol Oventic in Chiapas, Mexico sung by some of the teachers and students there. The second half, donated from Centro de Medios Libres in Mexico City, is a audio compilation called "Historias de la caracola." Histories of the Caracol explains the development of these unique experiments in autonomous community building within the Zapatista struggle.
Almost all is in Spanish.
Casi Todo es en espanol.
1 hour, 24 minutes
Las Zonas de Autonomia Temporarias is the former show, Temporary Autonomous Zones, revamped, now broadcasting from Onto in Mexico.
The first show was about independent media, anarchist collectives, and borderhacking in Mexico, while the second was about the struggle of Radio Zapote.