Report of Perth Immigration Detention Centre Vigil - perth indy radio

By Anonymous (not verified) , 29 April, 2005

Mp3 Audio from Wednesday 27 April - We interviewed Liam and Belinda who recently returned from the Baxter 2005 Convergence. They were part of a group of around 25 demostrators who staged a Vigil outside the Perth Immigration Detention centre on 23rd April. MP3 - 8 minutes. 2.8 Mb

Mp3 Audio from Wednesday 27 April - We interviewed Liam and Belinda who recently returned from the Baxter 2005 Convergence. They were part of a group of around 25 demostrators who staged a Vigil outside the Perth Immigration Detention centre on 23rd April. Perth IDC is located at the Perth Domestic Airport.

We also discussed the overt police violence, including riot police charging into a crowd to pop demonstrators balloons; arrests for kite-flying at the Baxter Convergence and play a report from the Good Friday action. They also talk about how they cam eto be a part of the Refugee Rights movement in WA. MP3 - 8 minutes.


Perth Indymedia Feature
Perth Detention Centre Protest Vigil - Saturday 23 April

From the Newswire:


The purpose of this action is to highlight the policy of Mandatory Detention and Forcible Deportations of Aylum Seekers to countries that abuse human rights.

The action will focus attention on the Baxter-style shame in our own backyard - right here in Perth! Perth Immigratiton Detention Centre.

Many forced deportations, often under violent and drugged restraint to countries sucha as Iran, a horrendous abuser of human rights, have gone through Perth airport.

Activists will remain on the grounds of Perth IDC from Noon on Saturday 23rd until Sunday morning in a peaceful Vigil display. They also wish to show solidarity and affinity with those detained without trial or charge in all Australia's detention centres.

The group call for the Closure of these mental-disease factories. They demand an end to Immigration Detention Centres; Permanent residence for refugees and their families; An increase the intake of refugees; equal social-securiy rights for refugees granted protection.

They also call for an immediate end to Howard's "Pacific Solution".

You are invited to come and share some time on Saturday from April 23 from noonish until morning. Members of the media are welcome.

The group hope to alert airport travellers to recognise there is a Detention Centre at their doorstop.


Baxter 05 Human Rights Convergence

Refugee Rights Action Network - WA

Perth Indymedia Radical Radio - RTRFM Weds 7-8pm