Bienvenido a México! Onto's first broadcast from Mexico! In this show from Mexico City, I'll have interviews with Tania from the leftist newspaper La Jornada, Fabian from the Centro de Medios Libre and A.I.R.E., Fran Ilich a past organizer of BorderHack, a member of the Magonista group COMPA, and some random stories and reflections from my viaje so far.
In Mexico, Onto continues to explore zones of temporary autonomy. Este
program sera en espanol as well as English. Both the form and politics
of Z.A.T. is Translational/Transnational. From Okupache to El Zocalo,
from the Zapatistas to the Magonistas, the Ontologist brings you
interviews, beats, and audio from el centro de la revolucion.
Las Zonas de Autonomía Temporaria (Z.A.T.)
8-10pm, Tuesdays, Onto the Ontologist