Bush has overspent his polical capital and is running out of options. His Energy Policy is the declaration of war ot the Alaskan Wildlife.He ignores the fact that contrary to his propaganda, oil prices have not goen up! It is the billions of dollars that he wasted to buy bombs and the satuaration of market with dollar spent to buy Chinese products, that would be haunting us. It is the falling dollar Stupid!, which combined with lack of expenditure in Social Security,education, and job creation are going to sabotage America not the Mythycal terrorists.
BUSH‘S ENERGY POLICY: The Empror has no Cloths
ON Wednesday and Thursday George Bush declared Americas New Energy policy in which nothing was new and none indicated a new direction. Instead of ordering an investigation into price gauging by giant oil corporations and putting more tax on the SUVs he naively hinted to construct more refineries on former military basis. It seems he was more interested in destroying Alaska’s Wildlife reserves than discouraging consumption among Americans. When the only plan Bush has for America is to destroy the Wildlife in Alaska it should be a wake-up call for America.
The fact that America is using 25 per cent of world’s oil resources while sitting on total of oil reserves of 3per cent of the world did not enter into his discussion. He did not address the issue that America is importing 65 per cent of its oil consumption and only because of that must aggressively commandeer the oil recourses of other countries; and, Iraq was just the beginning.
He announced that America did not have an energy policy before and he did not offer one. He did not even address that in spite of having the Saudi Arabia and Iraq’s Oil reserve in the pocket of US corporations, why the price of gasoline has more than doubled since his administration usurped the power.
What can he do to reduce the price of gasoline which is hurting the majority of Americans was not evev considered. Yet we know that Exxon Mobile just reported 120 million dollars profit. He talked about nuclear energy not knowing that we do not drive our cars by Nuclear power. It is pathetic that the president of the United States wants the people believe that converting abandoned military bases to oil refinery would solve our energy problems Is anybody there to let him know that you don’t have the oil to start with what do you want to refine there? Cow manure!!
Energy policy means that the US must reduce Gas consumptions by discouraging SUV ’s and Hummers production. We have to change our consumption habits and reduce the consumption of imported oil. Otherwise, like all other junkies when we cannot afford to pay the price we might go and attack innocent nations and seize their oil fields to guarantee our cheep supply of oil. This is the Gangster logic of drug addicts,. since normal individuals would not accelerate their cars when they discover that there is no break.
The Federal Government Just cut the tax on Hummers to encourage their, sale!! And that is an Indication of bush’s Energy Policy
It is hypocritical for this president to cut subsidies and thereby shut down production of electric cars, with billions of dollars of wasted investments, to talk about the illusive hydrogen cars as the panacea of his non-existing Energy Policy. Hypocrisy is a complement for his administration how is still searching for WMD in Iraq.!
A president who cannot produce Jobs would be facing a Hot summer with $3.00 for a gallon of gas and increased unemployment has come up with a kiss on the cheek of Saudis hoping that this time their Aladdin would perform another magic. Americans, who must come up with more cash at the gas pump this summer would understand the difference between energy policy and selling “snake oil”
He who is failing so miserably in Social Security Privatization and hopes his phony Energy policy would change his approval rating. That would not happen his energy policy is as empty as his rhetoric. How long the American would buy empty rhetoric’s when faced with empty pocket would be the indication of our coming freedom from the BenLadin’s Spell.
America and the American intellectuals break loose from the Spell and finally assess the damages which is done by the Mythical terrorists, that after Billions of dollars expenditure and three and a half years of investigation we could not even bring one confession or conviction , that this administration manufactured.
The political capital that the president claimed to be having is already wasted: It is obvious that the Emperor has no cloth on! Evangelical Christians cannot put gas in the pumps and make the cars run!
The time has come to see that Americans are paying the price of billions of paper dollars that this administration printed to finance its adventures. Now is the pay-back time1 The dollars that Republican Guru, Allen Greenspan printed and poured into the Market are coming back to haunt us.. Someone should shout in this theater that the oil prices are not going up!. It is the falling dollars Stupid!!
It is the price of our silence .It is the price of killing 100,000 human being in Iraq in one year of occupation with is haunting us. It is the dollars that we could have spend in our social security and Energy Development, education and health which was wasted in destroying the infrastructure of other nations. The increase of price of oil is the result of dramatic decline in the value of the dollars,
Maybe the best Energy Policy for America is cutting back consumption, stopping to flood the market with paper currency and reduce our balance of trade deficit. Failing to do this would invite real problem for the United States. The only Magic which might save this bankrupt administration is the appearance of another digital Ben Ladin, whose sudden appearance saved the election for Bush. Alternatively, a sudden “chatter” about an imminent “terrorist threat” might be fabricated that hopefully would not affect the public. It is hoped that the American public would not be fooled by another fiction or re-invented digital character.