Half hour interview/music program originally aired from Steppin' Out of Babylon. Jan Lundberg interviews pepperspray victims and one of their lawyers.
Announcement: Pepperspray-torture case INTERVIEWS and music
Jan Lundberg, former oil-industry analyst who publishes the environmental
activist publication Culturechange.org, has tracked the pepperspray case
since 1997, as he is the father of one of the plaintiffs. This week has
seen a successful federal court decision against the Humboldt County
Sheriffs. To hear his interviews of two pepperspray victims and one of
the attorneys in this case, tune in to the webcast program Steppin' Out of
Babylon. Its archive's top selection today (possibly second on the list
this weekend) is the pepperspray case and contains a short eco-rock
Visit http://www.culturechange.org/depavers.html for additional relevant,
spirited original music: Recommended cuts: "It's Up To Us" by Spring
Lundberg, and "Daughter Spring" by Spring, her father, and The Depavers.
For the latest news, releases and court room drawings on the pepperspray
torture-by-Q-tip case, see http://www.nopepperspray.org
The next edition of the free online Culture Change Letter, this weekend,
will be an essay on domestic and foreign torture by the U.S. Government,
featuring the recent pepperspray-torture trial and gleanings from a fresh
University of California torture teach-in. To add your email address to
the weekly Culture Change Letter list, opt in at
Contact: Jan Lundberg
email: jan@culturechange.org
tel. 1-215-243-3144