Angry Frank Rides Again

By Anonymous (not verified) , 7 May, 2005

A true life story of life in the midwest. Based around the character of Frank, who has the nickname "Angry Frank"

I am in Indiana for a little under twelve hours when this audio begins. THis is the first of more parts of the True to Midwest, Life Series.

Opening at 9:30 into the audio, my brother comes into the kitchen, where Angry Frank, bht and Mandy have been talking for a half hour. Angry Frank had recently been yelling and presumably my brother comes from the bathroom to investigate.

My brother pushes angry frank and then picks him up and stands him on his head. He is held this way for a bit before my brother lets him fall over. Angry Frank rises and falls into a corner trying to catch his breath. His beer is on the floor. He doesnt see it and goes to the refridgerator to get another beer, people yell.

I ask my brother to talk to me in the basement. Not wanting to make a scene in front of his friends. But i guess they live their lives in small scenes and this would be just another one that I add to the furl of fire for their lives. I say I dont want to be here and that I am leaving. I am drunk and should not drive the white car.

As I am leaving Angry Frank decides that he should leave instead. I try to explain to him that he should not drive and that he is the type of person that kills people with the weapons that are cars. He takes it as offense. In the foyer he yells his point at me and then walks outside. I drop my things and run after him.

I push him up against a van and start talking to him.
me: "why do people call you angry frank? you're not angry at all."
frank: "i know, i am not angry frank"