SLACK, for rev. Dumb-Ass

By Anonymous (not verified) , 7 May, 2005
ted... (un-orthidox)

Here is some SLACK for Rev. Dumb-Ass, in care of the people of Alaska.... (more like Alaska-State)

Any ways,

I was listening to the Church of the Subgenious hour of slack

(show number 961) found here:…;

and I noticed something VERY INTERESTING....

-------------- So ----------

Like what else could I do...?

so, I remixed the good info with music... (ie: a catchy tune)

Song # 1. is a musical answere to the question, "What is Slack."..?
(actually, the question AND the answere are both given )

Song # 2. is dedicated to Reverend Dumb-Ass in/co Alaska State Prison.... who lost the book. (or his copy of the book)

These two songs are self explanitory,

but will bring greater EXPRESSION-DEFINATION to your dull & dreary lives...!

ted... (not very orthidox)

Ps.... just call me Rev: "Cat-lick-chin 4-tuna".