FSCK The Corporate Media Podcast 3

By Anonymous (not verified) , 9 May, 2005

Issue # 3 of the weekly podcast from DJ Microbrew.


and now here's dj microbrew with
39 minutes of filechecking, hacking, deleting, yupper - cut and pasting the corporate media.

hello, and welcome to
a new weekly presentation from
activist times zine and prime anarchist productions.

but first these deadlines...

2) headlines sentinel, shephard, demnow, commondreams, etc
3) snippets -bcnd, oth, mm,
4) numbers
5) features from ati zine and textscene
6) & in music news
(always lead with something waylon.)
7) activist of the week

FSCK THE CORPORATE MEDIA is a presentation of ATI zine along with prime anarchist productions.
This podcast will be broadcast on a webcast with a once a week deadline and our goal will always
be to keep it under 39 minutes so you can put two shows on a disk and hand it to someone who
doesn't have internet.
If we go long?
please edit us from the bottom up.

don't hate the media,
f s c k the corporate media

[ Offthewall ]

proof number 2 that Adam Curry
did NOT invent the podcast.

1313 of it

"I think the lesson here is don't call 911 if you don't want someone to die.

2333 chavez no more SOA

39:10 pope installed without any errors


6mins maybe all of it?


Wayne Newton

Now live at the las vegas hilton -

Newton is "part native american" and was the first mc of the nammys.
Won't be doing THAT again.
He was "grabass" to every woman who stood next to him.
Almost no one would slap him publicly of course, but many people
wrestled him off and I've heard that one young woman who came to
the podium often had to kick him between the legs to keep him from
touching her anymore.

Star or not, Saudi Arabia's enforcers of virtue make no exceptions:
handshakes and congratulatory kisses in mixed company are a no-no
in a public mall.
Religious authorities briefly detained Saudi singer Hisham Abdel
Rahman for causing an indecent scene, a Riyadh police official said
Male and female fans had spotted Abdel Rahman, 24, strolling through
Kingdom Tower Mall on Wednesday and rushed to shake his hand and bestow
congratulatory kisses, a police official said.
Members of the Committee for the Propagation of Virtue and the
Prevention of Vice, the formal name for Saudi Arabia's religious
police, doing their regular mall patrol were offended by the scene,
which they deemed "improper."


[ just mention ]

127: mediopoly played on rex ateyfour!!!

10:00 of interview with the editor

I was a protestor shoving leaflets in peoples' hands

also thepart about "it gets you away from the vicious record company"
2053 -
maybe swipe his 'the future is' intro too


Rovics' draft dodger rag from the onion

312 of mcn 5 2 05 saying I'm not gonna try to cash out

winer rox

dj amara
my main reason doing radio is to get you more psyched about radio

pdr psyops 848?

Send us audio feedback.

no, dont skype me. call 8608872600 extention 5293 and leave it there.
We'll go right to wav and get it up there a s a p.

I'd like to suddenly give a random shoutout to the peeps at odeo.com