Late Night With Mr. X (5-10-05)

By Anonymous (not verified) , 11 May, 2005
Mr. X & Just Julie

"Late Night With Mr. X and Just Julie" has been posted for May 10, 2005

Late Night with Mr. X has been posted for May 10, 2005! Mr. X starts by apologizing to the Keith and the Girl Podcast for not giving them the proper podcasting cred they deserve. Just Julie joins the show midway to talk about her mother's day flower stand ($). Mr. X gives out his new "How to Make Money in Podcasting" segment. Mr. X figures out that there is still no Podcast Pizza in California. We play our first track of the show from the cool band "Seven Ender." We talk about our ranking and thank you all for voting for our show. We hear from Tim (our Mac guy) who has a new Podcast. Finally, we make our own "Damn Announcement" that concerns Podcasting and new Podcasters in general. Tune in, won't you?

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