Voices of Resistance Rally in Support of Pablo Paredes May 11 / radioActive sanDiego

By Anonymous (not verified) , 12 May, 2005
queer-j brad

Approximately 150 people gathered to hear speakers Pablo Paredes, Lynn Gonzalez (with messages from Noam Chomsky and Howard Zinn), Bill Mitchell, Vicky Castro, Jerry Quigley, Marjorie Cohn, Lynn Gonzalez (with message from Ron Kovics), Aidan Delgado, Cindy Sheehan and Camilo Mejia. The program was preceeded by a press conference with witness for the defense in Pablo Paredes' court martial: Marjorie Cohn.

2:25 Pablo Paredes (refused deployment, convicted of missing movement)
7:05 Lynn Gonzalez (SD military counseling project, with messages from Noam Chomsky and Howard Zinn)
10:25 Bill Mitchell (Goldstar Families)
17:54 Vicky Castro (Goldstar Families)
28:45 Jerry Quigley (KPFK, host)
32:50 Marjorie Cohn (Prof at Thomas Jefferson School of Law)
46:06 Lynn Gonzalez (with message from Ron Kovics)
51:57 Aidan Delgado (conscientious objector)
59:19 Cindy Sheehan (Goldstar Families)
1:21:02 Camilo Mejia (refused to return to Iraq, convicted of desertion)
1:30:42 Q&A

Audio Duration: 1 hr 48 min

About the crowd estimate: On May 11, I counted 143 people in the hall at the start of the program, with a few people outside. May 10's estimate of 250 was based on a very rough estimate of 200 in the hall plus a bunch of people outside the hall. With the more accurate count of May 11, I would revise the May 10 estimate to be in the range 150-175. Estimates of others I spoke with ranged from 60 to 150 on May 10.