Audio: Interview with Supporter of Political Prisoner Jeff "Free" Luers

By Anonymous (not verified) , 15 May, 2005
dj megawatti at Free Radio Olympia 98.5 FM

On May 10, 2005, on Free Radio Olympia 98.5 FM, dj ? interviewed Ash, a prisoner support activist working to raise awareness of the case of incarcerated environmental activist Jeff "Free" Luers and the upcoming Weekend of Resistance for "Free", June 10-12 2005.

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On May 10, 2005, on Free Radio Olympia 98.5 FM, dj ? interviewed Ash, a prisoner support activist working to raise awareness of the case of incarcerated environmental activist Jeff "Free" Luers and the upcoming Weekend of Resistance for "Free", June 10-12 2005.

In June 2001, 23 year-old forest defense activist Jeffrey "Free" Luers was sentenced to 22 years and 8 months in prison for the burning of three Sport Utility Vehicles (SUV's) in Eugene, Oregon. To make a statement about global warming, Jeff and his codefendent, Craig 'Critter' Marshall, set fire to 3 Sport Utility Vehicles at a Eugene car dealership. Their stated purpose was to raise awareness about global warming and the role that SUVs play in that process. No one was hurt in this action nor was that the intent. An arson specialist at trial confirmed that the action did not pose any threat to people based on its size and distance from any fuel source. Despite the fact that this action hurt no one, caused only $40,000 in damages and the cars were later resold, Jeff was sent to prison for a sentence considerably longer than those convicted of murder, kidnapping and rape in Oregon state. Jeff is a political prisoner and continues to write and agitate for his release while imprisoned at Oregon State Penetentiary.

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