FSCK The Corporate Media Podcast #4 15may05

By Anonymous (not verified) , 16 May, 2005
dj microbrew \ marco

Here's the 128 of Dj MicroBrew's FTCM #4.
FSCK The Corporate Media. 33+ minutes.
128 x 44 or something. Enjoy...


and now here's dj microbrew with
39 minutes of filechecking, hacking, deleting, yupper - cut and pasting the corporate media.

welcome to a new weekly presentation from
activist times zine and prime anarchist productions.

but first these dreadlines...

FTCM = FSCK The Corporate Media

News you can use every TUESday for when they abuse and try to put the screws to yous.

Vine and figtree
a capella?

dont forget minute of fone

getting email complaints that I dont voice in what technology I'm using.
Gadz! That's boring but ok. Just this once, and I'm not going to use bandwidth every week retellng this.
so thats that.
I start most of my scripts on a tungsten e palmpilot. But note that I also use textpad and notepad
inside of windoze 2000 and openoffice in suse 9.2! I'm on two 400 mHz boxes, one's a HP remaining
fairly stoc and the other's a dell overclocked to 670 or so.
Now for recording. I'm teaching myself audacity but in the meantime Im doing wavs with soundforge
and my mp3s and oggs are coming to you through cool edit 1.2 (long before the fotoshop buyout!) microphone?

Some of ross' mexico barbaro

The Schiavo spectacle featured withering hatred between
loved ones, demagoguery run riot, and crazed Catholic zealots,
Born-Agains and Not-Dead-Yets holy-rolling around on the Florida
hospice's manicured front lawn. The 24-7 media circus was
ringmastered by that indefatigable exterminator, Tom DeLay of
Sugarland, Texas, who parlayed the hysteria into an unprecedented
congressional vote that put the legislative branch on a train-
wreck course with the Constitution...

Ratzinger's selection settled over the world like a pall.
Those who had anticipated a pope of color--Latin America accounts
for half the Roman Catholics in this part of the galaxy--had
foolishly underestimated the racism entombed in the bosom of Holy
Mother Church. As dispensation to the disillusion, Chilean
Cardinal Jorge Arturo Augustin Medina Estevez was pushed out on
the balcony to sound the time-honored cry: "We have a pope!"
Cardinal Medina is (was) Augusto Pinochet's favorite priest.
Benedictus XVI had operated as Wojtyla's ventriloquist since
1981, when he took over the Congregation for the Defense of the
Doctrine of the Faith, formerly known as the Santa Inquisicion,
and began to dismantle Vatican II, the historic accord hammered
out by the People's Pope, John XXIII, that insisted upon the
Church's option for the poor. Ratzinger's promotion to the throne
of Peter and the installation of Paul Wolfowitz at the World Bank
are indeed ominous tidings for the world's poor...

Here is my living will:
"When I, John Ross, become so debilitated by terminal
illness that the consumption of opiate-derived drugs no longer
quells the pain, and/or when I am rendered helpless by disease,
intentional violence or a freak accident, I ask that a guardian
be appointed who will strap dynamite to my cadaver, wheel me to
the designated capitalist target and light the fuse.
"The burning of my body Bonze-style would be an acceptable
alternative to such sabotage, but only if I am propped up in
front of a recognizable emblem of US imperialist domination while
I roast.
"Say no to war and world hunger, racism, sexism, Capitalism
and all other isms that get in the way of the peoples' struggle
to control their own destinies. There is no peace without
justice. Hasta la Victoria Siempre! Bye Bye."

[John Ross is a 2005 recipient of the Upton Sinclair "Uppie"
Award, presented by the southern California chapter of the ACLU,
for his latest instant cult classic, Murdered by Capitalism--A
Memoir of 150 Years of Life & Death on the US Left. The Blindman
is off on a reporting/speaking tour of the UK, Spain, Amsterdam,
Turkey and perhaps points east tracking stories of class and race
war, the genocide of farmers and global resistance to the
corporate globalization of the planet, and will be reporting from
the Istanbul final session of the Iraqi War Crimes Tribunal.
Contributions to ease the pain of travel can be sent to John Ross
in his name at 3258 23rd Street, Apartment 3, San Francisco, CA
94110. Solidaridad!]


shoutout to christopher lydon


headlines from friday's dn!, www and us imc, ny, madison, mke, dc, seattle


I won't be expounding on many of these, just because that's how
I am today. Get them by googling the keywords, eh?

21 Killed in Latest Wave of Iraq Violence
- UN Says 24,000 Iraqis Died From War in a Year
- Suicide Bombings on the Rise in Iraq
- CARICOM Calls for Yvon Neptune's Release
- Bolton Moves to Full Senate With No Backing
- Bush Rode Bike While Capitol/White House Evacuated
- War Resister Paredes Gets 3 Months Hard labor
- New Charges Against War Resister Kevin Benderman
- Connecticut Carries Out First Execution in 45 Years
and speaking of connecticut.
the groton navy base will be closing.


yupper. they made the base closure list. No more getting off
the short list by taking thousands of bustrips to dc lobbying
, connecticut. And is joe lieberman whining and whining? you

So that's that.

bye bye navybase.

POG Shuts Down Military Recruitment Center in Oakland

20th anniversary of MOVE bombing commemorated in Philadelphia

Workers and activists protest "bad faith bargaining" by Portland-based employer in California

The rugged Arizona desert dominated the media spotlight throughout
April when hundreds of Minuteman Project volunteers organized to close
a 23-mile stretch of the border with Mexico with 24-hour monitoring and
at times, aiding US Border Patrol by apprehending undocumented migrants.
In response, the American Civil Liberties Union organized volunteer legal
observers to monitor and document all interactions between the MMP "vigilantes"
and immigrants.

COLOMBIA: Anarchist Killed by Police in Colombia
Today the doctors announced the death of Nicolás David Neira Alvares,
a 15 year old who was marching in the anarchist block the past 1st of May.
Like never before in the past few years, many young people decided to come
together to protest against capitalism. The huge demonstration which included
union workers, farmers, students, unemployed people and activists, marched in
a non-violent manner on one of the main streets of Bogotá. The demonstration
not only remembered those who were killed by the State in Chicago, but also
denounced the current precarious economical and social conditions of Colombia,
demanded a halt to the Free Trade Treatise and made public the atrocities that
are being committed by the current fascist government.

Madison imc's John Hamilton filed the following copy:

Independent Congressman Bernie Sanders of Vermont spoke at the
University of Illinois-Champaign Urbana on Tuesday, warning of
the dangers of corporate control of the media in the United States.
Sanders came to the Midwest as part of a conference entitled, "Can
Freedom of the Press Survive Media Consolitation?" If Sanders' speech
is any indication, the answer to the question is a resounding no.

Kathleen Beckett, also from madtown imc got to interview Mordechai Vanunu
while she and her husband were visiting East Jerusalem on March 30, 2005.

You can get the audio of that at milwaukee imc or madison imc now. Wow,
listen to that one for sure!!!

Diane Farsetta writes in that:

Agnes Miller, better known as Grandma Agnes, won a 2005 Governor's Service
Award for her volunteer work with young incarcerated men.

May 22, the fifth annual “Tour de Timor” bike ride fundraiser will start
at 1:00 pm at the corner of John Nolen Drive and Williamson Street
(between Machinery Row and Monona Terrace) in Madison. As you might
know, Madison is sister city to a town in East Timor for many years now.

At DC IMC you can get Photos from Tom DeLay Carnival O' Corruption

and Class Warrior writes in that:

Yesterday, a Cessna pilot flying with bad maps accidently caused a
full-scale "code red" air assault alert for the White House and the Capitol

And last but not least from the MKE indy wire:

Pablo Paredes gets no jail, just demotion to e-1 and 3 months of crap jobs!!! For refusing to serve in Irak.

RightWing g00n Hacker Suspended From School
Clorox's [aka: elac, aka Brett Chance] got two years college suspendion for exploiting
php bugs at multiple indymedia sites running the dada version of active open publishing
software. He's waiting to hear from the FBI about criminal prosecution, as his college
alerted them as well. His family now knows everything that happened. And he says he won't
be doing any black-hat operations for a while. He's a huge fan of Kevin Mitnick who's
probably going to browbeat his ass heavily for becoming a rightwing reactionary idiot.
At least that's my prediction.

Wobbly Skip Porter reports:
Not only do the Wobs know how to put on a picket line,
they sure know how to have a party.
Time Warp in Bayview at Puddlers’ Hall

STLIMC reports:

The Coalition Against Police Crimes and Repression (CAPCR),
in St. Louis, has been working to support the establishment
of a Civilian Review Board in the City of St. Louis. The proposed
Board would be formed as an independent Civilian Oversight mechanism
that would primarily allow for neutral investigation of complaints
against the Police. Free Press, a media reform group, has recently
descended on the city of St. Louis with its second National Conference
on Media Reform. Residents and activists in St. Louis have asked the
conference to support the idea of a citizen oversight board to help
diminish police brutality.

David Rovics played "Sing a Song for Chavez, Before the Coup" at
Puddlers Hall Milwaukee May 5, sponsored by the Milwaukee Industrial
Workers of the World. 5 minutes.
Snowshoe films got the goods. See the movie at http://mke.indymedia.org

other a/v? Here is audio of Pablo Paredes on Democracy Now this
morning reading the statement he gave in his court martial.
The judge (representing the government!) went on to agree
with him.

and lastly:

Cuban President Fidel Castro made clear this week he will not
hand over political exile Assata Shakur who has been living in
Cuba since escaping from prison in 1979. U.S. officials put
Shakur on a government terrorist watch list this month.

right into media minutes
then the mke bcnd stuff

newest bcnd - lots of mke stuff
1415 - 1805
keep beginning and maybe the ending before the song. keep song?

the revolution is brewing
in small batches
