Sunday morning Israeli soldiers, who are guarding the construction of the separation wall near the village of Belein, near the northern West Bank city of Ramallah, found five barrels with activists inside them blocking the construction routeThe organizers of the event were Palestinian,International and Israeli peace activists.
Headline 051605
Sunday morning Israeli soldiers, who are guarding the construction of the separation wall near the village of Belein, near the northern West Bank city of Ramallah, found five barrels with activists inside them blocking the construction routeThe organizers of the event were Palestinian,International and Israeli peace activists.
The five activists barricaded themselves inside metal barrels placed along the seperation wall while others demonstrated along the wall route.
Prior to being arrested and deported.Swedish citizen Johan Persson explained why he placed himself in a barrel:
Israeli Soldiers declaired the area a closed millitery zone and used metal cutters to remove the peace activists from the barrels. Five Israeli peace activists and a Sewede were arrested.
For Free Speech Radio News from the International Middle East Media Center IMEMC.Org in Palestine I’m Manar Jibrin