PoP dEFECT RADIO: Satan part1

By Anonymous (not verified) , 17 May, 2005
Skidmark Bob

Satan Media culture collage mix from hell and back!!! various samplings about Lucifer who has always gotten a bad rap. all glued together please enjoy!!

playlist: (kinda all glued together samples of songs, movie audio, radio, satanic influence)
- Lil Marcy - NoNo
- The Exorcist - Satan demonic howls film audio (samples from throught prgm)
- Over The Edge Radio - Let god rot 1990s (samples throught prgm)
- MDC - Hail Satan sample (PDR intro)
- South park Satan snd Saddam samples
- Fuckface - Welcome to Hell(Venom cover)
- Sepltura - Procreation of the Wicked
- AC/DC hwy to hell samples
- Brother Russell - when you get to Hell
- Mr Show - Satanist PSA - Bob Odenkirk/David Cross,
- Image of the Beast (film audio samples - christian armageddon film series) MarkIV pictures 1981
- Iron Maiden - Number of the Beast 1982
- Rev Gene Scott - "Blow those speakers out!", "Goin ta Hell"
- Christian am radio on satanist stoners rock 80s
- Demons at your Doorstep mix - (PDR midtro) - Judas Preist, Van Halen, Rolling Stones, Butthole Surfers Satan,Satan,Satan
- Rev Gene Scott - Bad Sound mixed "Blow those speakers out!"
- Delta9 - Welcome to Hell - Disco Inferno cd/lp - Earache records 1997 (various satanic audio sampled/mixed in throught program)
- Jimmy Swaggart, Geraldo, Gene Scott, The Gate (film audiosamples), Current 93, Painkiller - Tortured Souls mixed with Venom backward masking, Hells Bells the dangers of rock and roll video (sampled parts) Dio Live, Primus(sample) Devil went down to Georgia filmaudiomixed with ELO backward masking, DIO live the evils of the pentagram
- Modest Mouse - South of Heavan(Slayer cover) PDR endtro, OTE let god rot - how many satanists are listining, Delta9 - Infidel
Gene Scott gets the last Ha Ha HaHu!!