FSCK The Corporate Media Podcast 5

By Anonymous (not verified) , 22 May, 2005

Here's the 64 of Dj MicroBrew's FTCM #4. FSCK The Corporate Media. 38 minutes and :38 seconds. Enjoy...


FSCK THE CORPORATE MEDIA is a presentation of ATI zine along with prime anarchist productions.
This podcast will be broadcast on a webcast with a once a week deadline and our goal will always
be to keep it under 39 minutes so you can put two shows on a disk and hand it to someone who
doesn't have internet.
If we go long?
please edit us from the bottom up.

don't hate the media,
f s c k the corporate media

but first these headlines.

[god - I love saying that!]

Anarchist Killed by Police in Colombia

Over 40 Chilean soldiers feared dead in the Andes

Cuban Militant Luis Posada, jailed!

Agosto Pinochet Hospitalized

Police detained an independent journalist and charged
him with assaulting a police officer!

Activists Detained at Council of Europe Meeting

EEUU Senate remains obsessed with Hitler and
Darth Vader in their bitter fight on judges

James Galloway, James Galloway, James Galloway

IMCista Arrested In Milwaukee Protesting Bush

Thank you James Galloway

Portland Police Officers Required to Carry Tasers Starting June 1st

All around the U$, Recuiters are Feeling the Heat

Would you buy from this man a submarine?

Did I say "thank you James Galloway?"

more Saddam photos, yuck. have some maturity, wouldja??

Filibuster. f-f-fa forget about the filibuster.

hey bush, how about a moratorium on the social security issue
until AFTER you've left office, ok??

Cops Detain 5 at Peaceful Bush Protest in milwaukee

Peter Young Court Date in Madison - May 24th

The government dropped charges in federal court this morning against
Judith Williams and Betsy Lamb for an action they took during SOA
Watch’s February Lobby Day. Early in the morning of February 22, 2005,
dozens of peace activists who traveled to Washington D.C. for SOA Watch
Lobby Day events gathered for a vigil at the Pentagon calling for the
closure of the SOA/ WHINSEC. Judith and Betsy were arrested after they
knelt down in peaceful protest and blocked the entrance to the Pentagon.
Christine Lavallee was also arrested and will go on trial in July.

Get the rest of that story at:


call it a bookreview, call it just reading some from a book.
Call it what you will, but the book itself is called Hosshead
companion and it's written by my good friend Patrick.
Come check it out, wouldja?

and in zine news.
have you heard of downward mobility zine?

You can send poetry and whateverelse to:

downward mobility zine
c/o dawn. po box 961. lake worth, fl 33460.
or::: spidersneeze@hotmail.com

and now, Sascha Meinrath teaches us just what's wrong with
the movement today.

Send us audio feedback.

no, dont skype me. call 8608872600 extention 5293 and leave it there.
We'll go right to wav and get it up there a s a p.

I'd like to suddenly give a random shoutout to the peeps at odeo.com

A few poems from "for the pentagon."
urls etext?

2517 to end of radiocurious.
frank pacino.

FTCM = FSCK The Corporate Media

News you can use every TUESday for when they abuse and try to put the screws to yous.

kudos to:

-2 Free Radio Santa Cruz
2-4 Free Radio Dallas
4-6 radioActive SD
6-8 August Sound Coalition
8-9 Enemy Combatant Radio
9-10 Kill Radio
10-12 Portland Indy Media

dj skaphanie, dj protesta

and of course blast furnace and partytown.

go peeps go.

the views expressed here are the views of people who have these views
and if you don't like it, then file sys check you!!!

I'm dj microbrew, this has been weekly podcast # 5 of f,s,c,k, the corporate, ME-dia
