Discussion from Perth Indy Radical Radio [Weds 18 May 2005]. WA Queer activists, Rod Swift and Belinda Cooper talk about International Day Against Homophobia and National Day of GENDERFUCK! - MP3. Duration 24 Minutes. Size: 8MB
Genderfucking and Homophobia - Interview MP3
IDAHO ROD SWIFT: Coinciding with International Day Against Homophobia, WA's peak gay and lesbian equality group [GALEWA] has launched a campaign to minimise homophobia in WA: http://galewa.asn.au/content/view/110/70/
GENDERFUCK BELINDA COOPER: To Genderfuck is to deliberately send mixed messages about ones sex, usually through dress. The Queer Collaborations Collective organised a National Day of action on May the 18th called 'Genderf*#k Day'. The QC05 theme for the queer student conference is '{Queer}ying Gender'. The purpose is to raise discussion and awareness surrounding Gender, Intersex and Trans issues: http://www.qc05.com/genderfuck/genderfuck.html
Interview: http://al.perthimc.asn.au/INTERVIEWS/genderfucking_againsthomophobia.mp3
::International Day Against Homophobia and GENDERFUCK Day::
Discussion from Perth Indy Radical Radio [Weds 18 May 2005]. WA Queer activists, Rod Swift and Belinda Cooper talk about International Day Against Homophobia and National Day of GENDERFUCK! - MP3. Duration 24 Minutes. Size: 8MB
Perth Indymedia Radio 7-8pm WEDs RTRFM: http://perthindyradio.blogspot.com/
INTERNATIONAL DAY AGAINST HOMOPHOBIA: http://perth.indymedia.org/index.php?action=default&featureview=213
GALEWA Says: "It's Homophobia That's Queer" - from the Perth IMC Newswire.
According to opinion widely held, homosexuality is said to be freer today than ever before. For the slightly more attentive observer, the situation is globally very different.
Tuesday 17th May is International Day Against Homophobia.
Wednesday 18th May is National GENDERFUCK DAY!
[ What is Homophobia? ]
[ The Fear Behind The Hatred ]
[ The Emotional Origin of Homophobia ]
[ Sexual Prejudice - Understanding Homophobia and Heterosexism ]
Towards an international recognition of Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, and Trans People: http://www.idahomophobia.org/
Despite homosexuality's apparent visibilty [in the street, in the newspapers, on television, at the movies, recent legislative advances made in many countries for the recognition of same sex couples], the more attentive observer notes that the situation is globally very different. Indeed the 20th century was the most violently homophobic period of history: deportation to concentration camps under the Nazi regime, Soviet gulags, blackmail and persecution in the United States in the McCarthy era...
Homosexuality is discriminated against everywhere: in at least 80 countries, homosexual acts are forbidden by law; in many countries, the punishment can exceed ten years in prison; sometimes, the law prescribes life imprisonment. And in a dozen countries, capital punishment may be actually carried out. In Africa, recently, several presidents have brutally acted on their will to combat personally this "scourge" which they consider "anti-African".
Even in other countries where homosexuality is not considered a crime, persecutions have multiplied. In Brazil, for example, death squads and skin heads spread terror: 1,960 homophobic murders have been officially reported between 1980 and 2000. In these conditions, it is difficult to think that "tolerance" is gaining ground. So, homophobia appears more violent today than ever before.
The International Day Against Homophobia "will articulate action and reflection in order to struggle against all physical, moral, or symbolic violence related to sexual orientation or to gender identity. It intends to inspire, support, and coordinate all initiatives contributing to the equality among citizens in right, as well as in fact, and to achieve this in all countries where action is possible."
National Day of Genderfuck!
The Queer Collaborations Collective www.qc05.com has organised a National Day of action on May the 18th called 'Genderf*#k Day'.
As the LGBTIQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex and Queer) community, we are complex and diverse. Each generation battles with social and political issues of equality and human rights. We fight for our rights and then we have to battle to keep them. It is a struggle. We generally take for granted what we have won in the past, and some issues are only taken seriously when we have to face them in a crisis...
WHAT THE GENDERFUCK?: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genderfuck
The Queer Collaborations Collective http://www.qc05.com/
To Genderfuck is to deliberately send mixed messages about ones sex, usually through dress.
The QC 2005 theme for the queer student conference is '{Queer}ying Gender'. The purpose is to raise discussion and awareness surrounding Gender, Intersex and Trans issues.
Most importantly it is to educate individuals of the sheer complexity of what gender can mean from one person to the next.
'Genderf*#k Day May 18th', is an opportunity to involve more than just queer students. The aim is to involve entire Universities and the community nationally, even Internationally as National Union of Students have begun to inform others in the UK and US. It is a day of action that deal s with some tough, challenging and confronting concepts surrounding gender. When you add cultural implications of what gender can be and start deconstructing gender binaries, things start to get really interesting.
Further Information
Perth Contact: Belinda Cooper 0411 321 122
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