Combat Wombat on Perth Indy Radio - Izzy on supermarkets

By Anonymous (not verified) , 25 May, 2005
Perth Indy Radio X

Combat Wombat on Perth Indy Radio - Izzy slaps live off the cuff organic raps and noises on some truly fat beats... MP3 [1 Minute 33 Seconds
- 531 Kb]

Aussie political hipcore activistas and fat beat sistas are in for a treat...

COMBAT WOMBAT is in Perth WA! And heres a taste for Radio Indymedia Crew across the globe...

Monkey Marc and Izzy from Combat Wombat came into the RTR Studio for the Perth Indy show this Wednesday 25th May.

We yabbered at lengths about art and activism for an hour. Usually I'd upload some interviews here. But the only thing i managed to capture from the stream tonight was this grand piece of rapping at the end. Go Izzy!

Thanks to Izzy and the anonymous bozo breaks...


Friday 27th May 2005 - SWAN BASEMENT, FREMANTLE 8pm

Combat Wombat Film Screening Screening
"TOO DEADLY" Feature Film
City Farm, Sunday 29th of May from 2pm

As part of their tour, they will be screening their film "Too Deadly" at Sunday 29th May -2-5pm arvo entertainment will comprise of some groovey tunes, Yummy food and their film - Too Deadly.

"...'Too deadly' is a recent film made independently and with no budget by the Labrats crew, telling the story of a young white woman's journey in central australia, encountering wacky characters, indigenous mob and serious issues."

sse also:

0408 525 490