Living Wage/UC Strike: commUnities of sanDiego / radioActive sanDiego

By Anonymous (not verified) , 26 May, 2005
queer-j brad

commUnities of sanDiego covers the passage of a living wage ordinance for city contractors and the 24 hour strike by UC service workers. Audio Duration: 1 hr 18 min

Interview with Paul Karr, Living Wage Coalition and audio/interviews from UC service workers strike rallies at UC Medical Center in Hillcrest and the UCSD campus.

Facilitated by Djette Aporetics and Queer-J Brad

commUnities of sanDiego -- sunDays 8-9PM
commUnities of san Diego reports on the diverse commUnities of san Diego and the border region, with a focus on those commUnities underrepresented in the corporate media.

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