Recruiting protest in MD near DC

By Anonymous (not verified) , 31 May, 2005
WSQT 87.9 FM in DC

On May 27, DAWN and other groups protested military recruiting at 88282 Ga ave in Silver Spring, MD at a recruiting office that closed for the day to evade protestors on Memorial Day weekend.

This recruiting demo was interesting-one student pointed out that in a walthy high school three giuidance counsellors will help you get into college, but in Anacostia high the only thing guidance counsellors offer is "help" getting into the military!

Near the beginning the cops tried to order our sound system shut off, but we refused to comply and they backed off their bluff that PAs and megaphones were somehow illegal in Montgomery Countuy in contravention to the 1st Amendment. They refused to comply when I asked tehm to produce law books bearing the offending statute and soon threw in the towel.

There was a truly excellent speech by Rev Hagler concerning predatory recruiting, but a borken microphone cable killed our audio on it. Sorry about that-we'll get his next speech at a protest we attend!