Anti-War, Resistance Radio. News, Music & Poetry. Global Community, Free-thought & Indpendent Media Programming.
Upstart Update for May, June and July 2005
Howdy folks,
This is an Upstart Radio Retro-Update. This should cover May, June and July. Honestly, it's not laziness, I've just been busy.
Quickly, in this edition:
We won a Mikey Award!
Upstart Doubles it's server space.
Two Year Anniversary!
Artist Submissions.
Listener Submissions.
An Upstart Radio Production.
Added Scheduled Programs.
Telegraphica Oculta
First off:
I want to say THANKS to everyone who nominated and voted for Upstart for the Best of 2005 awards. We won! Yeppers, Upstart Radio has won Best Political station of 2005 from fellow broadcasters and listeners! A Mikey Award, they likey! Congrats to all the nominees and winners of all the categories! It's great to be recognized! I truly owe props in no particular order, l365 Broadcasters, Everyone in the Chat Lounge, SkidmarkBob of Free Radio Santa Cruz (Pirate Radio! O,o.), Scooter from KPFT Houston, Raymond Lafferty, Moshe from,,, Rev. Ivan Stang, Live365, The guys at Telegraphica Oculta, Setefan Christoff & Aaron Lakoff CKUT Montreal, All the Pacifica Reporters of Free Speech Radio News, Bonnie Sue Hitchock at Independent Native News, Jody Paulson at Radio Free Moscow Idaho, Jello Biafra, Michael Moore, Norel Pref, Willam S. Burrougs, Charles Bukowski and George Orwell. Not forgetting all the artists, dj's, and poets too many to mention, and of course the listeners.
More More More!
We doubled the playlist capacity! Slowly but surely you will be hearing new content as I have upgraded to a gig worth of server space! Double your pleasure, Double the fun! It's Upstart Hellafresh Gum! Pure tune-in satisfaction!
Two years in operation!
As of July 4, 2005 Upstart will have been on air for two years solid! It seems like longer. lol! I've met the best people while working this project, I'm looking forward to many more years to come!
Artist Submissions:
Get an ear-full of Dayze! Female emcee DAYZE releases "TruthSeeker" which takes listeners on a lyrical journey from the injustices of globalization, colonization, corporate corruption, public surveillance and income tax. Her rhymes are thought provoking and awaken the mind to activism. She contacted Upstart last month and I'm honored to be airing her tracks! Look for "Genetic Hazards", "Tired of You" and "Korporate Klimate" more to come and free downloads, so keep an eye on her website at
Listener Submissions!
Yo Andrew! Thanks for pointing me to
The song is "We Can't Make it Here". It works wonderfully with the Upstart format. You can visit the website for a free download so check it out and pass it along. Here is one public response to the song found on the website I thought summed it up:
Please thank James for writing "We Can't Make It Here...." I run a program for low-income people in rural Wisconsin and can tell you first hand how this administration continues to wage a calculated war on the poorest and most vulnerable among us. Where's the outrage? It takes courage to stand up and speak out - to be branded un-American. Keep speaking out, add verses to that sucker, sing it loud and often!! Make damn sure it's on the next album. Take care.
~ DS, WI
Thanks again Andrew!
Mindwalk, an Upstart Radio Production.
Okay, I've been busy, but I ain't been forgetting about the station especially while neglecting newsletter duties. No spare change to buy CD's (used that money for the Upgrade) so I've produced a few 1/2 hour programs I'm going to start releasing to,, and Free Radio Santa Cruz. The SNAG! I'm unable to front or back announce the music and the mixes like traditional radio for technical reasons. I will however add a topic to Upstarts pseudo-forum with all the track listings and credits as they are released. The sound quality is pro, but the fact I can't (won't) DJ is a bit amateurish, and unprofessional, but that's what I am so... there ya have it. The upswing on that is a solid half-hour uninterrupted listening. I hope Mindwalk to be just as it describes. Thanks for the title G-Mac, still havnt' seen the flick :-P
Added to the weekend schedule:
"Swami Bubba" is back, "Slave Revolt Radio","Bad Cop, No Donut!" Also, "Thursdays Impressionistic News" from Check the schedule for air-times:
Telegraphica Oculta:
I normally rip the Sunday show from the radio stream and encode myself for air here, but I haven't been able to lately. I've urged Dr. Sabastion to see if they can get the show up to and I think they may be working on it. Until then, check out Telegraphica Oculta Live on Sundays 8-10pm! We will resume airing Telegraphica Oculta hopefully very soon!
Upstart Radio America is MUSIC playing most of the weekday interrupted for only two hours a day, 11:00am & 11:30pm PT with news. All tracks contain social commentary from somewhere on the globe. All genres, several languages, wonderful to hear. Critical thinkers welcome.
And as always, Free Speech Radio News and Independent Native News airs Monday - Friday, 11:30 pm Pacific Time.
Previous weekdays broadcast airs at 11:00 am.
Welp! That's it!
I'll make an honest attempt at updating the track listings and program listings on our pseudo-forum this weekend. A chore I've been putting off. Tons of stuff to do and never enough time.
A quick note to the folks whose emails I haven't yet replied to yet. I will!
Much Respect!
Thank you everyone!
Upstart One a.k.a. Shawn Lennon