G8 Radio Program
Part 1+2
There has been a great deal of talk about helping Africa over the last few months - Tony Blair and Gordon Brown have both made visits to the continent, and even Jack MacConnell joined in the jet-setting with a visit to Malawi. The Commision for Africa has published its exhaustive recommendations - and Bob Geldoff has demanded action, and called for a million protesters in Edinburgh. But there is something that has been conspicously absent from the debate - the voices of African people. What do they think?
Kofi and his partner Vivianne are both studying here in Edinburgh, and moved into Dumbiedykes only a couple of weeks ago.
Tayi Fatoki, a young Nigerian Activist, was speaking at the Voices from Africa Conference held at Glasgow's Caledonia University in April.
Ester Mokhali from South Africa was also at the conference - she is working here as a nurse in Deniston homes.