Headlines: Protesters Arrested as U.S. Navy Resumes Vieques Military Exercises;Europeans Resist Bush Administration's Environmental Policies and Missile Defense Program; Campaign Finance Bill Faces 'Poison Pill' Amendments in the House and Under-reported News Summary
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This week we present Between The Lines' summary of
under-reported news stories and:
(1) Protesters Arrested as U.S. Navy
Resumes Vieques Military Exercises
Interview by Denise Manzari.
Many island residents, including governor of Puerto Rico, have
rejected a proposal that the Navy end Vieques military
exercises in 2003, and instead are demanding an immediate halt
to the bombing exercises. 40 protesters have been arrested.
Robert Rabin, a protest organizer and member of the
Committee for the Rescue and Development of Vieques,
discusses a referendum about the Navy exercises, previously
brokered by former President Clinton and former Puerto
Rican Gov. Pedro Rosello scheduled for November, which
Navy Secretary Gordon R. England has asked Congress to
cancel the November referendum, stating that it sets a very bad
(2) Europeans Resist Bush Administration's Environmental Policies and
Missile Defense Program
Interview by Scott Harris.
Gregory Palast, a columnist with the London Observer
newspaper, examines European resistance to President Bush's
environmental and defense policies.
(3)Campaign Finance Bill Faces 'Poison Pill' Amendments
in the House
Interview by Scott Harris.
In April the U.S. Senate passed the McCain-Feingold bill.
After a summer recess, campaign finance legislation will be
considered in the House of Representatives, where it has
passed twice before. But the House Republican leadership has
vowed to kill the bill with "poison pill" amendments or in any
House-Senate conference. Steve Weissman, legislative
representative with Public Citizen's Congress Watch,
discusses the obstacles still standing in the way of passage of
campaign finance reform legislation.
(4) This week's summary of under-reported news
Compiled by Bob Nixon
-- East Timorese victims of post-independence refendum violence
testify against Indonesian general in an U.S. court for his role in
gross human rights abuses
-- Critics charge independent, progressive political groups are
ignored in New York City mayoral race.
-- Lesbian author Amber Hollibaugh continues to break boundaries of
sex and politics.
For more information and to hear this program in RealAudio or
MP3, visit our Web site at:
http://www.btlonline.org or in our archives
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"Between The Lines" is a half-hour syndicated radio news magazine that
each week features a summary of under-reported news stories and
interviews with activists and journalists who offer progressive
perspectives on international, national and regional political, economic
and social issues. Because "Between The Lines" is independent of all
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a diversity of voices to the airwaves generally ignored or marginalized
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Contact Scott Harris at (203)544-9863 or email: betweenthelines@snet.net
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