FSCK The Corporate Media Podcast #9 18jun05

By Anonymous (not verified) , 19 June, 2005

24 kbps stereo.

\\\\\ Rush tranzScript \\\\

lede with


and now here's dj microbrew with
39 minutes of filechecking, hacking, deleting,
yupper - cut and pasting the corporate media.

"Good" by michael lehman

he does manic minute, have you heard that?

LisaHoffman_DecadeWorthOfApologies .mp3

media minutes.

(wanxtor muzzle shuzzle...)

Steve Earle's f the fcc


king david morning news
clips from the week.


the revolution is brewing
in small batches

FSCK THE CORPORATE MEDIA is a presentation of ATI zine along with
prime anarchist productions. This podcast will be broadcast on a webcast
with a once a week deadline and our goal will always be to keep it under 39 minutes
so you can put two shows on a disk and hand it to someone who doesn't have internet.
If we go long?
please edit us from the bottom up.

don't hate the media,
f s c k the corporate media

http://www.thepentagon.com/primeanarchist !


6mins maybe all of it?

ramseys own words - right into:
Close to it all - coverof melanie song
blackfire's "fence"

Send us audio feedback.

no, dont skype me. call 8608872600 extention 5293
and leave it there. We'll go right to wav and get
it up there a s a p.

I'd like to suddenly give a random shoutout
to the peeps at http://www.odeo.com


\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Callbacks \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

making the whole world "podsafe."

Making the world safe for podcasts.

hey hey hey, it's ati.

revolution is brewing
in small batches

you ready for this?

Draft beer not young people
