85:40 minute Audio copy of Phoenix PBS Show Horizon of the Arizona Border Crisis.4 parts in this one Audio clip.More details below
Monday, June 20
Arizona's Border Crisis:
Part one: Illegal Immigration Basics
Get an overview of the illegal immigration phenomenon and learn who is crossing the border and why. ASU Professors Brian Gratton, Lisa Magana and Cecilia Menjivar join Michael Grant for a discussion.
Arizona Stories: Hispanic Flyboys
Meet a man who was one of many young Hispanics who flew for the Allies during World War II.
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Tuesday, June 21
Arizona's Border Crisis:
Part two: Illegal Immigration Costs
How much does illegal immigration cost Arizonans? Costs associated with illegal immigration include health care, criminal justice and education. Horizon examines the various ways illegal immigrants benefit consumers, but cost taxpayers.
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Wednesday, June 22
Arizona's Border Crisis:
Part three: Illegal Immigration Funnel
In 1994, the federal government implemented a new plan that focused on deterrence and arrest along our nation's 1,940-mile U.S.-Mexico border. These strategies curtailed illegal alien flow through El Paso, San Diego and other traditional areas, but created a funnel into Arizona. Since then, the illegal population in the U.S. has increased to nearly 10 million people. Horizon takes a trip to the Arizona-Mexico border for a first-hand look at why illegal immigration has been pushed into our state. Senator Jon Kyl joins Michael Grant for an in-studio discussion.
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Thursday, June 23
Arizona's Border Crisis:
Part four of four
Illegal Immigration Politics
Illegal immigration has become the current hot political issue. Hear from political analysts Bob Robb and Alfredo Gutierrez about how the issue of immigration affects political decisions and how it will become one of the biggest issues of the 2006 state elections.
Illegal Immigration Solutions
Potential solutions to the illegal immigration problem range from shutting down the border to eliminating it altogether. Explore innovative solutions and find out from Senator Jon Kyl about two bills being proposed in Congress for guest worker programs.
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