G8 Raised Voices: Video and Audio Testimonies on the Effect of G8 Policies

By Anonymous (not verified) , 27 June, 2005
Stop G8

35 short video and audio clips with people from Brazil, South Africa, India, West Papua, Ethiopia, Uganda and Egypt talking about issues related to the G8.


EXAMPLE: Marcelo from brazil on development

G8, we don't want your model of development. We don't want your money. We don't want your solidarity. We want to build another world. We want another country, another civil society. For us The G8 is not the solution for the planet. On the contrary G8 means more problems and more poor people in the world.

Marcelo Calazans is an actvist at environmental NGO FASE-ES in Brazil and is part of the Green Desert Movement.


Raising voices of the Majority World

The next meeting of the G8 is set to take place in Gleneagles, Scotland in July 2005, with British Prime Minister Tony Blair as this year's chair. In response to the growing pressure on the G8 to deal with global social and environmental issues, Blair has announced that the themes of the meeting will be climate change and Africa. Even though Blair has stated that 'I don’t quite know what they’ll be protesting against', thousands plan to travel to Scotland to take part in a variety of actions and events.

However, the billions of people most affected by the policies and decisions of the G8 will not be present in Scotland. The events and activities organised by activists during the G8 is vital work that increases pressure on governments. However, with a few exceptions, the messages are mediated through the perspective of people in a Northern context. Furthermore much of the focus on the issues will be temporary and over-simplified as organisations and activists compete for soundbites and limited media attention.

This project aims to fill these gaps by directly creating space for some of the voices of the absent majority – unmediated and uncensored. Raised Voices encourages a diversity of voices from varying perspectives to speak out and be heard. Most importantly the strength and power of people's voices will retain their relevance long after the spotlight leaves Scotland.

IN ESSENCE Raised Voices on the G8 is a series of several short film clips of people from the Majority World speaking out about the impacts the G8 has on their lives and their countries.

WHERE IN THE WORLD The people who speak are from countries such as; Brazil, South Africa, India, West Papua, Ethiopia, Uganda and Egypt.

COMING TO A TOWN NEAR YOU The clips are intended to be viewed individually or in collections of two or three. This is not a documentary, it is a chance to glimpse the lives of people who are directly impacted by G8 policies without judgment and without filtering.

The clips will be screened by the Make Poverty History coalition on their stage during the main events of their programme around the G8 summit.

They will also be available for film screenings to be shown as shorts before feature presentations.

The clips will be made available to organisations and individuals who wish to screen them and can be used in film nights, street events, stalls, installations, stage events, websites, radio shows, podcasting, articles.... a multitude of methods flexible enough for many creative uses and diverse media.

Raised Voices on the G8 are available to screen
. For more info contact Heidi Bachram at: heidi@carbontradewatch.org

Partners include: Centre for Civil Society (South Africa), Community Bandwidth (Canada), Fenceline Films (UK), The National Forum for Forest Peoples and Forest Workers (India), The New Internationalist Magazine (UK), Scottish Education & Action for Development (Scotland) and The Transnational Institute (UK & Brazil).