Scott RItter - "Iran, Where do we go from here?"

By Anonymous (not verified) , 27 June, 2005
Traprock Peace Center

Scott Ritter.gave an important address on US war making against Iranat a Traprock fundraiser on June 23rd. We encourage radio airplay, downloads for private listening and linking to the audio on the Traprock website. The talk is 47:09 minutes and the Q and A is longer - 1:04:57. Both are mp3 files for radio airplay (recorded in mono at 48 kbps)

“We declared a war on terror. We declared war on those who practice terror. Are we going to declare war on ourselves?” - Scott Ritter, June 23, 2005

Traprock Peace Center has produced an exclusive talk by Scott Ritter on US war making against Iran. He gave this important address at a Traprock fundraiser on June 23rd. We encourage radio airplay, downloads for private listening and linking to the audio on the Traprock website.

Ritter covers the Downing Street Memo, US mass media complicity in wars against Iraq and Iran, and the covert and terrorist war that the US is now waging against Iran. He describes pre-conflict preparations, “warlike advance force operations” and the CIA’s work with the terrorist MEK organization, which is committing terrorist acts, such as bombings, in Iran.

This address follows up on Ritter’s recent article on war with Iran. His main theme came through very clearly – that the US is engaging in a terrorist war of aggression against Iran. He explains how the US is doing it and that, like the war with Iraq, it is all based on a lie. Iran’s nuclear power program is for energy, not weapons, and the administration and media know it, he says. He makes the case that the Bush regime is doing this in order to stay in power, whatever the disastrous consequences of a war for the US and Iran.

Here’s the link to the webpage, which has audio links, photos and links to related information.

We have unedited audio of both his talk and the Q and A session. The talk is 47:09 minutes and the Q and A is longer - 1:04:57. Both are available as mp3 files for radio airplay (recorded in mono at 48 kbps) Sound quality is excellent – we thank Ed Russell of for handling the recording. I did the editing for sound quality. While Traprock Peace Center does not necessarily agree with all of Ritter’s opinions, the content is complete and unabridged. A video is on the way.

For the most part, the American people are ignorant about US aggression toward Iran and have bought US propaganda. The US administration has stoked the flames of hatred many Americans have felt toward Iran. Ritter describes an ugly and tragic situation that’s not a lot of fun to look at for Americans. But look at it they must. They can’t later say “I didn’t know.”

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