This morning over a hundred protestors organized by the National Association of HUD Tenants marched on the offices of the Ronald Reagan Republican Center and the Public Housing Director's Association to deman that the Bush housing bill be blocked
The proposal coming from Bush woud impose a minumum rent on ALL HUD tenants, causing those with little or no income to be evicted. It would also allow states to impose time limits on housing assistance, with disastgerous consequences for the disabled and elderly.
Unfortunately, the president of the Public Housing Director's Association refused to sign on to the demands of the Voucher Summit calling for keeping the 30% of income cap on Section 8 rent, blocking the Bush bill, and opposing time limits.
He hemed and hawed and claimed sympathy, but refused to take any substantiative steps. Someone should buy him a waffle iron, a set of flip flops, and a pooper scooper!