51:30 minute Audio of Senator John Edwards visit to Phoenix to raise minimum raise.Introductions including,Az Education Assoc,,Az Ecumenical Council,Az AFL-CIO,and A.C.O.R.N...Press Conferance afterwards.
Here is the letter from Senator Edwards:
Dear Friend,
After spending so much time talking directly with voters, I believe that
what Americans want in their leaders is strength. Strength comes from
having convictions and a willingness to fight for those convictions.
The most important thing for us to do as Democrats is to stand strong
and fight passionately for our beliefs--whether popular or unpopular.
Next week I will join grassroots organizations, labor unions, and
elected officials to rally in Phoenix, Albuquerque, Lansing, Cleveland,
and Columbus for efforts to raise the minimum wage, and I need your
help. Please join us in this cause so we can help workers who are
teetering on the edge. Please ask your friends to join us at these
upcoming events as we push for a ballot measure on this all-important
Here are the details of the event near you:
12:00 PM
Coalition to Raise the Arizona Minimum Wage event
Nelson Hall, Church of the Beatitudes
555 West Glendale Avenue
Phoenix, AZ
(doors open at 11:00 AM)
I have decided to devote my time to doing something to reduce poverty
and lift more people into the middle class. Over 36 million Americans
are impoverished today--that's 13 million more than there were thirty
years ago--and many are hard working men and women who simply cannot
work their way out of poverty. No one has all the answers, but one
solution is clear: we need to raise the minimum wage in America.
It's a national disgrace that our minimum wage is so low, and yet
President Bush and Republicans in Congress refuse to raise it. I've met
single mothers who work full time, some even hold down two jobs--but
each month they struggle to pay the bills, and they certainly can't
build assets or save up for a family crisis. One stroke of bad luck
could send them and their families over the cliff.
The Bush Administration and Republicans in Congress have blocked efforts
to raise the federal minimum wage. By taking the issue directly to state
ballots, we can go around the Republican stonewall and give greater
financial opportunity to millions of working Americans. Legislators take
notice when grassroots organizations and thousands of voters unite
behind an issue. Let's make our voice loud and clear. Encourage your
friends to join us as we restore dignity and hope to hard working
Please also visit our website to learn more about the fight for a fair
minimum wage:
As always, I'd love to hear from you about this or any other issue that
concerns you. I want this to be a conversation between us, which means I
need to hear from you. So please, visit our website or visit our blog
and let me know what you think:
Your friend,
John Edwards