Koekoeroe internetreedio

By Anonymous (not verified) , 14 July, 2005

Koekoeroe Reedio has been a pirat for many years, but alas, the cops took our equipment. We go on via internet nowadays.
Go to http://squat.net/koekoeroe

You are on our website and you wanna listen? Great.
Click on enter under the pigeon.
after that you can click on live stream if you listen at the exact time of broadcasting, or on audio archief if you listen on another time.

The programs are:
monday: 20-22: hardboiled (i think this program has a summerstop)
tuesday: 18-20: Big brother (i think this program has a summerstop)
20-22: Gillende keukenmeiden, in english, by Krijtje v.d. Stoep. this program steams on during the summer. see for this weeks items: http://www.indymedia.nl/nl/2005/07/29328.shtml
wednesday: 18-20: the Sauwa show (might have a summerstop)
20-22: Bullenterror, steaming on during the summer. see for this weeks items: http://www.indymedia.nl/nl/2005/07/29335.shtml
thursday: 18-20:Telewokwok, radical infotainment and music, steaming on during the summer.
20-22: Blitz kids interzone: steaming on during the summer i think.

hope you all listen to our anarchist programs.

postbox 2228, 2301CE Leiden
doesnt work