Hundreds of Israeli armored vehicles and tanks were positioned ready to invade the Gaza Strip. This morning, six mortars were fired at Israeli settlements and at an army post in the Gaza Strip. Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, who has promised a "strong and harsh" response to the attacks if they do not stop, said he had told military officials "that there are to be no restraints on our operations".
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Hundreds of Israeli armored vehicles and tanks were positioned ready to invade the Gaza Strip. This morning, six mortars were fired at Israeli settlements and at an army post in the Gaza Strip. Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, who has promised a "strong and harsh" response to the attacks if they do not stop, said he had told military officials "that there are to be no restraints on our operations".
Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas said he will "do his utmost" to stop Palestinian rocket and mortar attacks on the Israeli settlements.Abbas held talks with Egypt's deputy intelligence chief, Mustafa al-Buheiri, who rushed to Gaza on a mission to help restore the informal calm.
Sheikh Hassan Yousif of Hamas said that the shelling of the Israeli settlemetns was in response to the Israeli violations of the declaredf cease-fire.
“The shelling is in response to the Israeli violations. We have committed ourselves to the truce, six mnths ago, however, we can not stand still while there are around 7000 Israeli violations to the cease-fire.”
An earlier attempt by the Palestinian Authority to stop attacks ended in clashes between PA security forces and Hamas activists, in which two people were killed and over 20 injured.
For Free Speech Radio News from the International Middle East Media Center IMEMC.Org in Palestine this is Manar Jibrin