rebelde boliviana campesina

By Anonymous (not verified) , 21 July, 2005
brad will

intervistas con mujeres campesinas trabajando junta con el grupo mujeres creando (anarcha feministas) en una cooperativa apoyo mutual en la paz, bolivia
(intervistas en espanol)
(explanation in english below)

interviews in spanish of women campesnas working with mujeres creando (women creating) an anarcha-feminist group -- they have a mutual aid cooperative in la paz, bolivia -- mujeres creando helped create a social center with resturant, book store, health food store, workshop space and cultural center -- everything is run collectively in a horizontal way without bosses -- the produce sold in the store is direct mutual aid relationship grown by indigenous women in the countryside working together with the urban space to sell their produce without middle man stealing the profits -- the women talk about the project as well as the rebellion of may and june and the political situation now -- please share

la paz