hello free radio san diego and imc audio folks,
first, i recieved your email asking to have free radio san diego listed on radio.indymedia.org. i apologize for not responding yet. i just added in in the left hand sidebar under "community radio stations". do you webcast as well? i didnt see any links to a webcast from the webpage.
as far as the response you say that you got from "PEARLCOPPER http://www.geocities.com/rexexperiment": i assume that this is the person that responded. i dont know who this is. i have never talked to him or her. usually i just add stations that want to be listed, as long as they are not fascist corporate radio. which, you are of course not!
we recently changed from an open to a members only list to try and controll spam untill we fix our servers. i guess that it is possible that your mail was misstaken for spam and regected by accident. i don't moderate the list, but it seems unlikely that this would happen with a clearly titled email like yours. the text you cited sounded like it was specifically rejecting your request for a website link.
wierd. i dont know whats up. it must have been a wacko troller or something.