Hon. Rep. Cynthia McKinney (D-GA) is hosting on Friday July 22nd, 9am-5pm a Congressional Briefing on the 9/11 Congressional Investigation --One Year after the release of their findings: Did They Get It Right? -- A Citizen's Response (details at http://dc.indymedia.org)
The Pacifica radio network is re-broadcasting on the right channel of the KU satellite the dcradiocoop.org webcast of the event either live, or delayed by no more than 2 hours. Keep checking dc.indymedia.org for updates.
The event will stream live at:
Friday, July 22
(First anniversary of the 9/11 Commission Report)
9:00 AM - 12:30 PM, 2:00 - 5:00 PM
Caucus Room, Cannon House Office Building, Room 345
Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney's Congressional Briefing:
"The 9/11 Commission Report One Year Later:
A Citizens’ Response – Did They Get It Right?"
9:00 AM - 12:30 Friday PM session:
Critique of 9/11 Commission narrative
2:00 - 5:00 PM session:
Critique of Commission "recommendations"
This event is aimed at Congress Members and their staffs, and advocacy groups in DC who are not already working on 9/11 related issues or the recommendations. It will be recorded for a DVD, webcast and simulcast on radio and C-SPAN that day we expect. Check www.911citizenswatch.org for details.
Rep. McKinney to Hold All Day Briefing on 9/11 -- Exposing Sham of 9/11 Report
On July 22, 2005, Rep. Cynthia McKinney (D-GA) will host a full-day briefing, co-sponsored by Rep. Raúl Grijalva (D-AZ), and other sponsors, for Members of Congress and their staffs in the Caucus Room, Cannon House Office Building, Room 345, Independence Ave. & First Street SE, from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. Rep. McKinney to Hold All Day Briefing on 9/11 -- Exposing Sham of 9/11 Report
Friday, July 15, 2005 - 06:47 AM
Posted by: khence Press Advisory
Contact: John Judge, staff assistant 202-225-1605, c-202-277-1992
Mike Zmolnik 320 Cannon building 202-225-1605 paka (at) boo.net
TSR people-- tech guy—Ricardo 141 Cannon building 202-226-4427 no DHP Ricardo.underwood (at) mail.house.gov
McKinney’s tech guy Juan-
Friday July 22nd Congressional Briefing:
The 9/11 Commission Report One Year Later: A Citizens’ Response – Did They Get It Right?
On July 22, 2005, Rep. Cynthia McKinney (D-GA) will host a full-day briefing, co-sponsored by Rep. Raúl Grijalva (D-AZ), and other sponsors, for Members of Congress and their staffs in the Caucus Room, Cannon House Office Building, Room 345, Independence Ave. & First Street SE, from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. One year after the release of the 9/11 Commission Final Report many questions about what transpired on September 11, 2001 and who should be held accountable still remain unanswered. Serious flaws and omissions in the Report have been addressed by whistleblowers and academics. Well known researchers and authors have put the events of that day into historical perspective, and have suggested possible alternatives to the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission regarding intelligence reform, domestic and foreign policy. The hard evidence has yet to be properly evaluated, and points to the need for full transparency, release of information, and continued probative investigations to have an effective, democratic response to the crisis that confronts all of us.
Family members of the victims of 9/11 will present a “Report Card” to address their still unanswered questions about the events of 9/11 and the lack of accountability for the security and intelligence failures that may have allowed these events to happen. Other experts will speak to the flaws in the 9/11 Commission’s process, including conflicts of interest, lack of transparency, investigative rigor and public input, and the many whistleblowers ignored by the Commission.
One panel of experts will explore the omissions and errors in the Commission’s Final Report, including the timeline of NORAD/FAA and P-56 defense responses that day, the suspects and plot, the background of Al Qaeda and bin Laden, the involvement of other countries, the obstruction of investigations by the FBI and CIA, and foreknowledge and forewarnings prior to the attacks. Another panel will place 9/11 into historical perspective and look at the flawed assumptions that misled the Commission’s work, including the politics of illegal drugs, oil investments, covert operations and terrorism, as well as past covert operations like Contragate and the rise of the neo-conservatives and their agenda.
The last half of the day will be a critical examination by experts of the Commission’s recommendations concerning domestic and foreign policy and intelligence reforms, suggesting other alternatives and policies that could lead to real security and preserve civil liberties and democracy. Rep. McKinney will also address the need for further investigation and opening the evidence for public scrutiny.
A list of confirmed speakers so for includes:
Robert McIlvaine, father of 9/11 victim, member of September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows
Marilyn Rosenthal, mother of 9/11 victim, professor at U. of Michigan, expert on forewarnings to 9/11
Robert Baer, author of Sleeping with the Devil and See No Evil, former CIA
Nafeez Ahmed, author of The War on Truth, Director, Institute for Policy Research & Development
Jumana Musa, Amnesty International
Melvin Goodman, Fellow, Center for International Policy, former CIA
John Newman, Ph.D., professor University of West Virginia, former NSA analyst
Paul Thompson, author of The Terror Timeline
Elaine Cassel, author of The War on Civil Liberties, legal expert
William Michaels, author of No Greater Threat
Lauretta Napoleoni, author of Terror Incorporated: Tracing the Dollars Behind the Terror Networks
Anne Norton, author of Leo Strauss and the Politics of American Empire
Mary Rose Oaker, President, American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, legal expert
Peter Dale Scott, Ph.D., professor UC Berkeley, author of Drugs, Oil and War, former Canadian diplomat
Murray Weiss, author of The Man Who Warned America concerning FBI agent John O’Neill who died on 9/11
D.C. Emergency Truth Convergence
Current Schedule
(schedule subject to change)
Friday, July 22
Time: 1:00 - 2:30 PM
Place: Holeman Hall, National Press Club
Event: Press Conference especially designed for the independent media and foreign press "commemorating" the 9/11 Commission Report and all the previous/subsequent/ongoing lies and cover-ups that have led us to war, repression and fiscal ruin.
Presenters: Prominent 9/11 families, Dr. David Ray Griffin, and "Weapons of Mass Deception" producer Danny Schechter.
Leader: Peter Phillips of Project Censored
July 22, Friday continued
Time: 4:30 to 8:30 PM
Place: "The Tavern," Mary Graydon Center, American University
Event: Documentary Films and Reception for Convergence Participants
Saturday, July 23
Time: 9:30 to 11:00 AM
Place: Lafayette Park in front of White House
Event: White House deceit protest vigil and live music
Time: 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Place: Lafayette Park
Event: Lethal Deceit Exposure Rally featuring all participating groups with 11-14 presenters, 7-8 minutes each. Current speakers: "War on Truth" author Nafeez Ahmed, Dr. Robert Bowman (USAF Lt. Col. retired) of Veterans for Peace, John Bruhns of Iraq Veterans against the War, Dr. David Ray Griffin, Dr. Faiz Khan, Rep. Charles Key of the Oklahoma City Bombing Commission, CIA analyst Ray McGovern of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, Gael Murphy of Code Pink, Jenna Orkin of WTC Environmental Organization, Peter Phillips of Project Censored, "Weapons of Mass Deception" producer Danny Schechter of mediachannel.org, and "Terror Timeline" author, Paul Thompson.
(Organizational affiliations cited for identification purposes only.)
Rally followed by march to White House to present demands, and petitions.
July 23, Saturday continued
Time: 3:30 to 4:30 PM
Place: Mary Graydon Center, American University
Event: Nafeez Ahmed presentation on his new book "The War on Truth: 9/11, Disinformation and the Anatomy of Terrorism"
July 23, Saturday continued
Time: 4:30 - 6:30 PM
Place: Mary Graydon Center, American University
Event: Beyond Downing Street Town Hall meeting on the grounds for impeachment based on patterns of criminal deceit including 9/11, the Iraq war lies, the torture cover-up, etc.
Presenters: Nafeez Ahmed, Ray McGovern, Peter Phillips, and many more.
July 23, Saturday continued
Time: 7:30 PM
Place: "The Tavern" Mary Graydon Center, American University
Event: Concert/dance featuring political folk/rock by Vic Sadot and many danceable tracks of assorted inspiration.
Sunday, July 24
Time: 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Place: American University
Issue-specific workshops and caucuses - see Workshop List here.
Time: 2:00 to 6:00 PM
Place: American University
Plenary Strategy Summit:
1. VERY short presentations on status of specific truth campaigns;
2. Break-out brainstorms on Media Collaboration strategies. Grassroots Education & Organizing strategies, Investigation & Research strategies, Graphic & Performing Arts strategies...
3. Winnowing of suggestions (presubmitted and spontaneous) for media, organizing, research & artistic tactics, mutual cooperation, and radically shortening the long road ahead. See Sample Suggestion List below.
Add your thoughts now at Pre Conference Discussion Group: http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/dctruthemergency.
July 25, 26
Time: Monday / Tuesday
Place: Capitol Hill
Actions: Lobbying, presentation of demands regarding 9/11, DU, Downing Street lies, etc. to sympathetic Congress people.
A Few Suggested Media/Organization Models
for the Sunday afternoon Brainstorm:
Developing online list of top outstanding questions (re Iraq war lies, 9/11, recent elections, etc.); researchers, PI veterans & journalistic bloggers quote prices for the excavation work; and online donors pick particular investigations to support.
Liberation News Service: Vietnam era underground news service that twice weekly mailed out mainstreamshunned news compilations to 800 independent periodicals around the country for reprinting. Would such an online service with credible editors and ferocious fact checking be viable or worthwhile today?
What meme mantras can we deploy to awaken the public to the neocons’ corporate/fundamentalist coup, our actual strength, and what must now be done?
One of the few inspiring moments at the recent Take Back America gig was Communication Workers Union head Morty Bahr's talk on the spreading power of the Jobs with Justice pledge, "It goes like this: during the next year, I will be there at least five times for someone else's fight as well as my own, and if enough of us pledge to be there for each other, we will all start winning." How about a similar oath to bond and strengthen our indie media, veteran groups and truth movements?
=============From: Democrats.com Press [mailto:press (at) democrats.com]
For Immediate Release: July 14, 2005
Over 150 Events Planned on 3rd Anniversary of Downing Street Memo
Congressional Town Hall Meetings, Public Forums, Dramatic Recreations, House
Parties, Rallies, and Study Circles on July 23, 2005
E-Town Hall on the 22nd, noon-1pm, or 1-2pm???
Congressman Charles Rangel's E-town hall meeting. For more information, go to: http://www.house.gov/rangel answering questions from his New York constituents on the internet,
On July 23, 2005, events around the United States will mark the three-year anniversary of the meeting at #10 Downing Street in London, England, that was recorded in the now infamous minutes known as the "Downing Street Memo." At least eight events will be hosted by or participated in by Members of Congress, including John Conyers in Detroit, Jim McDermott in Seattle, Barbara Lee in Oakland, Maxine Waters in Los Angeles, and Maurice Hinchey in New York.
On July 23rd, in over 150 towns and cities, prominent speakers and ordinary citizens will hold public forums, perform dramatic recreations of the Downing Street meeting, and host house parties and study circles. Sixty-six events and counting are listed online at AfterDowningStreet.org . For details on events in any part of the country, see this map: http://heh.pl/&tm . Another 16 events on surrounding days are also listed on the site.
In addition, Congressman Conyers' office has organized 105 house parties through their website. See http://johnconyers.com/ .
Conference Call for House Parties:
Saturday July 23rd from 4 to 4:30 p.m.ET
Congressman Conyers and former Ambassador Joseph Wilson will participate in a national conference call with house party attendees. For details, contact Jonathan Godfrey at 202-744-7441 or jonathangodfrey (at) gmail.com .
Blogging All Day:
Bloggers will report on events from around the country during the day at www.afterdowningstreet.org
Action Across the Atlantic:
On July 23rd, at 2 p.m. GMT just outside the gates to Downing Street in London, England, a group of actors and activists will perform a dramatic recreation of the Downing Street Memo as a Mad Hatter's Tea Party. The event is being organized by members of Bedford Stop the War, a member of the Stop the War Coaltion, and of After Downing Street. For more information, contact Linda Jack at (44) 7793556099, or linda_a_jack (at) yahoo.co.uk .
Agenda for National Day of Events:
The agenda at various of these events will include speeches, panel
discussions, viewing of DVDs, dramatic recreations of the Downing Street
Minutes, debates, writing postcards and letters to congress members and
senators not present, writing letters to the editor, training participants
in effective lobbying, honoring local fallen soldiers, and planning local
marches and flyering campaigns – with such actions in some cases immediately
following the event. Resources for these events have been made available by
the After Downing Street Coalition at www.afterdowningstreet.org.
July 30: Congressman Xavier Becerra will host an event in Los Angeles,
July 31: and Congressman Barney Frank in Boston.
July 23rd in Northampton, Mass
Co-Founder of the After Downing Street Coalition, constitutional attorney John Bonifaz will speak at a town hall meeting
Participants around the country will be encouraged to
o promote coverage of the Downing Street Minutes by their local media,
o gather signatures on Congressman Conyers' letter to the President asking for explanations of the Downing Street Minutes (there are now 131 signatures by congress members and over 576,984 by U.S. citizens),
o promote support for a Resolution of Inquiry expected to be introduced in the House of Representatives,
o promote support for a Resolution expected to be introduced in the House of Representatives, which would create a select committee to investigate reports of a pre-war deal between the United Kingdom and the United States and evidence that pre-war intelligence was intentionally manipulated.
o lobby the Senate Intelligence Committee to conduct the investigation of pre-war intelligence that it has failed to follow through on.
Details for Each Event:
For details on events in any part of the country, see this map:
Here are a few:
Congressman John Conyers, Jr.
Wayne State University Law School Auditorium
Meeting Local Start Time: 2:00pm
471 W. Palmer Street
Detroit, Michigan 48202
Congresswoman Barbara Lee
Grand Lake Theatre
Meeting Local Start Time: 11:00am
3200 Grand Avenue
Oakland, California 94610
Congressmen Jim McDermott
Seattle Labor Temple
Meeting Local Start Time: 1:00pm
2800 First Avenue
Seattle, Washington 98121
Congresswoman Maxine Waters
Covenant Worship Center at Legacy Hall
Meeting Local Start Time: 12:00pm
425 South La Brea Avenue
Inglewood, California 90301
New York City Town Hall Meeting
Sponsored by The Nation and Democrats.com and Progressive Democrats of America
Speakers: Congressman Maurice Hinchey, former Congresswoman Liz Holtzman,
Air America Radio host Randi Rhodes, and as moderator President of
Democrats.com Bob Fertik.
New York Society for Ethical Culture
2 W. 64th St.
New York, NY
AfterDowningStreet.org is a rapidly growing coalition of veterans' groups,
peace groups, and political activist groups, which launched on May 26, 2005,
a campaign to urge the U.S. Congress to begin a formal investigation into
whether President Bush has committed impeachable offenses in connection with
the Iraq war.
David Swanson david (at) davidswanson.org 202-329-7847
Jonathan Schwarz jonrschwartz (at) yahoo.com 773-296-0838
See also: