By Anonymous (not verified) , 28 July, 2005
J. Wizard

"You'd arrest him [Ian Blair] for treason. Right?
Because he is making FALSE ALLEGATIONS in a huge CRIMINAL
investigation regarding the murder of a whole bunch of
innocent British people."

- The Son of Man Testifies

from "Johnny-Raw.mp3"

"This is how bushite work."

"You'd arrest him [Ian Blair] for treason. Right?
Because he is making FALSE ALLEGATIONS in a huge CRIMINAL
investigation regarding the murder of a whole bunch of
innocent British people."

"I encourage Americans to get their guns loaded and hunt
down bushite to the ends of this Earth. Join Jesus, in
condemning them to the RIGHTFUL death they deserve.,
before being allowed to deprive ourselves another
targeted innocent family member. They know they're
thieves, they know they're there to thieve for the
neo-con God betrayers as piss-poor dumfuk bushite slaves,
the irrational - cultish - disciples of the for real
demon anti-Christ. Traitors to the old Glory, as
traitors to the TRUE, King of the Jews."

Me truly,

J. Wizard


"Military Men Are Just Dumb,
Stupid, Animals To Be Used
As Pawns In Foreign Policy"

-- henry kissinger
[demon bush's most closest and trusted secret keeper]

"These people have always hated us in this area. It is not surprising that they hate us."
-- steven russell.

[the HATED anti-American steven russell: wanted for commiting
the war crimes of mass murder in our areas]


/ / Traitors should not be President. They should be
arrested, tried and, upon conviction, punished for their
crimes against their country. \ \

/ / Stopping and searching would result in huge queues at
bus-stops and by stations, offering a target for bombers
who would no longer need to enter stations or a bus to
cause carnage. In Iraq bombers deliberately target
queues. \ \

/ / Once evidence of those orders is introduced, it should be
clear that Benderman had not only the right but also the
duty to refuse them under the Nuremburg Principles--which
do not allow a soldier to escape responsibility for his
actions even if following the orders of his superiors. \ \

/ /"We can’t find water to feed our screaming children
shouting for water. Water is life … we need water, this
is an inhuman treatment", one of the villagers said. \ \


Guilty of Innocence (the antichrist song)




/ / Affordable, uncensored Internet for all Americans is
presently in danger of becoming a pipe dream. Unless we
act now, the outlook for survival of democracy in
cyberspace is dismal, and it grows dimmer with each
successive conquest by mainstream corporate media. \ \

/ / Sky News terror expert Steve Park said the documents
may have been deliberately planted to "send police the

/ / The dupes were told they were part of a drill to test
security provisions in dealing with suicide bombers. The
men booked return tickets, pay and display tickets for
their cars, expected to be paid handsomely and to have
helped protect their country before returning to their
homes in Leeds. \ \

/ / 'Our scenario was very similar, but it wasn't totally
identical,' he said. 'It was based on bombs going off -
the time, the locations, all this sort of stuff. But it
wasn't an accident, in the sense that London has a
history of bombs.' \ \

A threat perhaps against the literate segment of British
High Society?

/ / Therefore, there MUST be some 25 minutes continuous
video of first four men, riding from Luton, then video of
each (supposed) "Muslim" Bomber, seated with his rucksack
on each of the 3 separate Underground cars, riding from
King's Cross - to where the 3 bombs exploded

The 3 young men from Leeds apparently were innocent
"patsies" used in a "False Flag" phoney Blair Government
instigated "terrorist" attack! They weren't suicide
bombers, or deceived dupes. They WEREN'T on the trains! \ \

/ / Throughout the winter of 2002, the Bush
Administration publicly accused Iraqi weapons
declarations of being incomplete. Yet the truth of the
situation is that it was the United States itself that
had removed more than 8,000 pages of the 11,800-page
original report.

But what was in the missing pages that the Bush
Administration felt was so threatening that they had to
be removed? What information were Europeans privy to
that Americans were not? \ \

Further evidence of bushite crimes going unaddressed with
American fire power, Instead made bushite hustled as
mindless drone soldiers enslaved to die in vain being
traitors. done in all for the pleasuring of the "sexy"
and glamourus unelected neo-conner, rumsfeld the rotten.

/ / Basically what happened is that those women who were
arrested with young boys/children in cases that have been
recorded. The boys were sodomized with the cameras
rolling. \ \

/ / Tough talk. But, despite all the threats to withhold
payment, and with several lawsuits pending, KBR and
Halliburton have now been paid more than $10 billion [off
the top] for quartermastering [sacrificing to die for bush]
US forces in Iraq. \ \

/ / "Once again the administration is fighting to prevent
any possible public accountability for its policies,
instead choosing to blame it all on the troops. To
court-martial privates while high ranking officials get
promoted is damaging to the very principle of command
responsibility and undermines the U.S. military." \ \

/ / [...] said one Iraqi man who preferred not to be
identified. 'They are enemies of humanity without
religion or any sort of ethics. They have attacked my
community today and I will now take the fight to the
[real] terrorists [the bushite nazi vermins]. \ \

/ / I am also interested (I hope I'm not boring you and
that you are finding these questions interesting) in
knowing for whom Richard Jones works for? He is the
witness who gave out completely contradictory statements
left, right & centre, to the media, and turned out to be
practically single-handedly responsible, for originating
and promoting the "suicide-bomber" conspiracy theory. \ \

/ / At a press conference afterwards, Metropolitan Police
Commissioner Sir Ian Blair claimed that the killing was
``directly linked to the ongoing and expanding
anti-terrorist operation'' \ \

/ / The United States should cut its losses, withdraw
from Iraq immediately and never again use its military
power to create a nation according to its own values, the
former CIA head John Deutch wrote on Friday in the New
York Times. \ \

/ / Northstar's president said that the Pentagon knew
that Northstar was not a certified public accounting firm
and that four experienced employees went to Iraq and did
a good job. However, one audit notes that a single
Northstar employee maintained spreadsheets tracking
billions of dollars. \ \

/ / The audit found, for example, that ``approximately
$1.5 billion [?] in cash allocations were made to Iraqi
banks between January and April 2004 for ministry
operating expenses [?], yet spending plans supported only
approximately $498 million in operating expenses''. \ \

/ / Any genuinely independent investigation can come
about only as the product of an independent political
movement of the working class against the ruling elite
and its policies of war and social reaction. \ \

/ / I made it clear to the secretary of state that our
response will be of a different kind, with an addition of
severe means, if it is done during the evacuation, or if
there will be terror after we leave the Gaza Strip. This
was made unequivocally clear." \ \

/ / Mr Livingstone said he did not just denounce suicide
bombers. He also denounced "those governments which use
indiscriminate slaughter to advance their foreign policy,
as we have occasionally seen with the Israeli government
bombing areas from which a terrorist group will have
come, irrespective of the casualties it inflicts, women,
children and men". \ \

/ / And anyone who commits a "grave breach" of the
Conventions by facilitating the killing, torture or
inhuman treatment of detainees (e.g., stripping them of
all legal status and subjecting them to rigged tribunals)
is subject to the death penalty under U.S. law.

/ / According to audits conducted by the Defense
Contracting Audit Agency (DCAA), Halliburton subsidiary
Kellogg Brown and Root (KBR) racked up $813 million in
"questioned" costs under a contract to provide logistical
and support services to U.S. troops \ \

DEATHS] police were careful not to say whether Britain
had suffered its first suicide bomb strike. \ \

/ / The memo, The Post reported, marked the paragraph
containing information about Ms. Plame with an S for
secret. So much for the cover story that no one knew
that her identity was covert. \ \

/ / I have seen no explanation of how the initial
assessment of the type of explosive could have been the
reverse of the truth, and no acknowledgement of error
from those who made it. \ \

/ / Al-Jazeera and Al-Arabiya, the Arab world's leading
satellite TV stations, also hosted a number of
commentators who claimed that Israel was behind the
latest wave of terror in Egypt. Dia Rashwan, an expert
on Islamic terror groups, said in a phone interview with
Al-Arabiya from Cairo: "Israel is the only country that
benefits from this." \ \

/ / These weapons pose an immediate danger to civilians
during attacks, especially in populated areas, because
they are inaccurate and have a wide dispersal pattern.
They also endanger civilians long after the conflict due
to the high number of submunition duds that do not
explode on impact and then function like landmines. \ \

/ / The American President needs psychiatric help.It is
impossible to believe any sane human could commit mass
killing and still hold news conferences and appear in
public functions. \ \

/ / A country that has more than seven millions behind
bars; it has more than 35 Million homeless and
desperately poor; it has the highest death by car
accident in the world; it has the highest crime, fraud
and theft rate in the world. The United States
represents about 4% of the human family, but produces
more than half the world criminals and fraud technicians. \ \

/ / In other words, it was only in the wake of the July
2005 attacks, that the maps of the London underground
allegedly on Noor khan's laptop all of sudden surfaced in
the British and American press. They had never been
reported on previously.

Moreover, when Noor Khan was arrested, he was not charged
or accused of masterminding a terror attack on Wall
Street and the IMF. In fact quite the opposite: he was
immediately recruited by Pakistan's military intelligence
(ISI). Two weeks later, when the news regarding his
alleged role in planning the attacks on America's
financial institutions had hit the news chain in early
August 2004, Noor Khan was duly employed by Pakistan's
secret service on behalf of the CIA: \ \

/ / When George W. Bush opens his mouth out come blatant
lies. But this lie was not just one of his usual lies
where he twists his words so badly that you don't even
know what he is trying to say. This lie was his most
blatant lie, the one that started a war, the one that got
over 1700 Americans and 10's of thousands of INNOCENT
Iraqis killed. \ \

/ / In another development, Israeli occupation
authorities deliberately cut off water supplies feeding
Palestinian areas inside the so-called Green Line,
increasing their suffering during the hot summer season. \ \

/ / "A man was challenged by officers and subsequently
shot," a police statement said. \ \

What?, he didn't fall fast enough to the ground?


Shall we only threaten and be angry for an hour? When
the storm has ended shall we find How softly but how
swiftly they have sidled back to power By the favour and
contrivance of their kind? Their lives cannot repay us -
their death could not undo - The shame that they have
laid upon our race. But the slothfulness that wasted and
the arrogance that slew, Shall we leave it unabated in
its place?

Rudyard Kipling, "Mesopotamia"


'Bomb factory' substances burnt

Army bomb disposal teams are preparing to carry out a
controlled blast at a suspected bomb making factory in Leeds.



There has been virtually no institutional resistance to this
open coup d'etat.


A proud God loving bushite killer confesses all


"CBC and CNN want to TRULY beat us down on this people."






/ / Simple chemical tests would narrrow the options still further.
And mass spectrographic analysis could not only identify the
explosive, but can even potentially tell how it was manufactured
-by identifying contaminants in the explosives.

It is hard to imagine how it would take more than 24hrs. to be pretty
certain, maybe 48hrs. to be definitive.

It's been just two weeks. \ \



/ / Muqtada as-Sadr movement accuses US of being behind bombings in
Baghdad al-Jadidah and al-Musayyib that left large numbers of
children, civilians dead. \ \



/ / We confirm that the American occupation in Iraq and its
collaborators are the real killers of the Iraqi children and
civilians in al-Musayyib and in Baghdad in the last few days.'' \ \

/ / In addition, the Board of Muslim `Ulama' Scholars, the highest
Sunni religious authority in occupied Iraq accused the US of being
responsible for the attack, as did the Shi`i al-Khalisi movement
and a number of Iraqi politicians opposed to the occupation,
following statements from the Iraqi Resistance saying that they had
nothing to do with the attack and condemning the bombing. \ \




/ / "While we respect the BBC's commitment to evidence-based
journalism, it is hard to ignore the fact that the evidence in this
story is the Tribunal itself. The fact that a significant number
of respected diplomats, academicians, reporters and human rights
lawyers came together with international experts from various
fields to bring to the world's attention the injustice occurring in
Iraq, is in itself a story that merits reporting.

"The BBC has disregarded the experience and professionalism of all
those who participated in this Tribunal. In fact, one of the
reasons why this initiative took place is precisely because we
felt, like millions of people around the world, that there was an
imbalance and a lack of clarity and objectivity in the reporting of
the so-called 'war on terror'. By failing to understand the
significance of presenting this other side of the story of this war
the BBC has in fact proved us right." (Email to Media Lens, July
14, 2005) \ \


/ / All the destruction and the looting that have been done by the
US troops and the coalition authority was not enough. Stressing
the UN the US forced the Security Council to issue the resolution
No 1483 which stated that the Security Council admitted the
legitimacy of the Anglo-American occupation of Iraqi and this
action or decision has never been historically preceded especially
if we consider that the war on Iraq, according to the international
law is illegal and wasn't allowed by the security council. \ \




/ / The civilians were trying to flee their city, now become the
target of ferocious American bombing and shelling. The refugees
found their way barred and the road closed before them by US
forces. The Americans ordered them back towards the target city,
telling them that the road would be opened on Tuesday morning and
forcing them back into Rawah. \ \

/ / Savage assault on Rawah continues for third day. US bombs
water treatment plant cutting off water supply to population.
Medical authorities warn of impending disaster. \ \


Biased, Blinkered, Culpable

/ / "Helen Boaden's response is simply ridiculous. She says the
BBC 'has not established' that the US has used banned weapons or
committed atrocities. The US has admitted using napalm, a banned
weapon, and the evidence of atrocities in Fallujah is overwhelming:
too great to list here. Read, for example, the statements of
doctors at Fallujah General Hospital and of other independent eye
witnesses. The reason the BBC 'has not established' all this is
because its reporters are embedded with the Americans and British
and report the occupiers' news, about which there is nothing
'impartial'." (Email to Media Lens, July 14, 2005) \ \


/ / On April 30th of 2004 the investigators of the "General
American Accounting Office" admitted that there had been about 58
billions of dollars available for Iraq from different sources and
ready for reconstruction. \ \


/ / The accounting company KPMG which was responsible for auditing
the " Development Fund for Iraq " operations said that the American
officials were falsifying the expenses reports and wasted about 20
billion dollars during the occupation emphasizing that many of the
contracts approved by the interim authority have never been seen by
the resolved interim governing council, the Iraqi people, any
official body or even KMPG itself despite its repeated requests for
this. \ \


/ / This leaves a startlingly big unanswered question: where did
the warning come from? We're now definitively told that the
non-suicide bombers/suicide bombers/non-suicide bombers were
actually suicide bombers - and this time we mean it, dammit!,
though the 'fifth man' seems to have again disappeared, the
'mastermind' isn't the mastermind, the real 'mastermind' is one of
the bombers, and the whole nature of the explosives is inexplicably
still being investigated - meaning that four unremarkable guys
wandered into the London subway system all by themselves, leaving
behind a car full of explosives (if there was no 'fifth man' or
'mastermind', was going to use these explosives?), and simply blew
themselves up. Who then provided the warning? And why provide a
warning so late that it was not useful? \ \


/ / And we now also have an admission by Israeli authorities that
they did indeed receive prior warning of the attacks and warned
Benjamin Netanyahu to stay inside his London Hotel. \ \

/ / The citizens of the U.S. must bring their government into
compliance with International Law. Provisions of the Geneva
Convention clearly prohibit the targeting of civilian populations.
The use of WMD's against civilians is not an accident. \ \

/ / "The orgy of killing by our forces has been glossed over and
sanitized, while essential services such as water, power and
hospitals have been, and continue to be, targeted," said their
statement of omissions obtained by IRNA. \ \



Ironically, the manual states that the most dangerous
moment comes when leftist groups "renounce the use of force"
and embrace the democratic process. It is then that "U.S. army
intelligence must have the means of launching special operations
which will convince Host Country Governments and public opinion
of the reality of the insurgent danger."

See? EVIL fascist bushite enemies are enemies of Humanity and God,
of which includes freely YOU.



/ / Four controlled explosions were carried out on the car after a
100-yard cordon was placed around the station and its car park. \ \

FOUR! no less!!! Is this not an act of 'treason' against the



- After a period of about 15 minutes from them entering the street,
the US forces dumped the remaining toys/sweets in a pile in the
middle of the street and frantically drove off hitting 4 children
in the process with their vehicle.



/ /Hustler Magazine investigators found that the 9:30 nationally
televised news conference that Bush claimed terrorists did 9/11,
contrary to what the FBI was saying at that time, was
pre-scheduled. \ \


Confronting the Evidence:
A call to reopen the 9/11 investigations




It did seem odd that the [bushite enemy] US forces
went into the neighborhood warning people about a
potential car bomb in the area, then used candy to
lure the children out into the open.



"leveraging the lives of American soldiers in that
process to be sacrificed as fodder, So all the while,
as again Senator Kennedy told US, bush's business
partners, these war profiteers can literally siphon
billions of dollars from the undefended American tax

"Is that an American?"


"CBC and CNN want to TRULY beat us down on this people."

"We need some leadership."

"And now we learn, it isn't the security of the United
States of America; it's bush personally, and rumsfeld,
and condoleeza, who are jepordized by that information
becoming disclosed to the public for US to judge on Our

"Where is bush's leadership on that issue?"


/ / WASHINGTON -- The federal government's chief
investigator yesterday blasted the Pentagon for its
''atrocious financial management," saying the Defense
Department was not able to give federal oversight
officials a full accounting of the $1 billion being
spent each week on the war in Iraq.

the Pentagon, whose work is monitored by the GAO, is
not accounting for the money it is spending

The Pentagon did not respond to a request for comment. \ \



/ / But, hey, it's your country. If you wish to allow
some weak-willed politicians to lay it to waste and
destroy the future for your children and grandchildren,
that's your decision. But I'm a strong believer that
even people who wish to commit suicide should know what
they are doing. \ \



/ / There is no greater privilage in living
for a better world, in defending God, in defending
what's right, what's true, and what's just. \ \



/ / In conclusion, the evidence and interviews revealed
what was obvious from the very start... \ \

/ / Venezuela's information minister responded to
Craddock's remarks by declaring that the US government
is ``destabilizing'' the world by means of illegal wars
and violations of human rights.

Craddock concluded that Miller's job did not include
monitoring the interrogation so closely and he did not
violate any U.S. laws or policies. \ \

Our Lord, Johnny, charges TREASON against Craddock and
Miller, warranting trials, then public executions in
Times Square along with the rest of the neo-con
anti-Christ enemies of Creation.


/ / Quigley and other supporters urged "pro-democracy
activists" to demand U.N. peacekeepers "safeguard the
life and liberty" of Jean-Juste, saying he is in danger
from Haitian police, especially some former soldiers
from the rebellion who have been integrated into the
police force.

The U.N. mission in Haiti could not immediately be
reached for comment. \ \


/ / BTP Deputy Chief Constable Andy Trotter said: "The
threat from terrorism remains real, as the events in
Madrid show. London is on a high alert.

"The Underground is a controlled public space with
hundreds of staff at stations, extensive CCTV and its
own police resources. \ \


/ / We have not seen one piece of evidence that links
bin Laden and the Taliban directly to the planning
stages of 9/11. And when you have no evidence,
and you charge someone of a conspiracy, that is a
conspiracy theroery isn't it? \ \


Juval Aviv is a former Israeli Counterterrorism Intelligence Officer

/ / "In Israel, it’s very popular right now is put one
device to explode and time another one for five minutes
later when it’s all calm, people are getting up and the
rescue teams have responded." \ \

Is that to kill Palestinians, or is he referring to our
Iraqi brothers and sisters murdered by the godless deciples
of the for real demon anti-Christ?

Juval Aviv is a former Israeli Counterterrorism Intelligence Officer

/ / "Terrorists are not going to waste a bomb on a
half-empty train." \ \



/ / In his response, Power confirms a "short number
of `walk through' scenarios for a private company in
London as part of a wider project that remains
confidential". \ \

"walk through" and a... "short number" ? ?
oh, like any 4 isn't short of 5?

So, which is it?

/ / POWER: "which involved just a few people as crisis
managers actually" \ \

Or, more than a thousand? Like maybe tens of millions?

/ / POWER: At half past nine this morning we were
actually running an exercise for a company of over
a thousand people in London \ \

So, why reference it like the entire Scotland Yard must have
been in on not asking the right questions? Like who was carrying
the 'mock' explosives?


/ / As we have asked before, if the exercise was a mere
coincidence and was not related to any government agency
or command structure which was involved in managing the
aftermath of the attacks, then why did the crisis managers
respond to the real thing? If they were actively involved
in the command structure that managed the crisis, then they
must have been hired by a sector of government in the first
place. Power himself has worked for Scotland Yard. \ \


"that remains confidential..."




/ / Which Scotland Yard official made the calls? Identify
that official, and you have bagged a real live rogue
network mole. \ \

/ / Power has been hired by the government before and he is
always used to release information after terrorist incidents
in London. \ \


/ / Pentagon document Field Manual FM 30-31B openly discusses
launching terrorist attacks in nations that "do not react
with sufficient effectiveness" to the geopolitical demands
of the Globalists.


London Underground Exercises and the Magically Exploding Terrorists:
Important Questions

/ / If this were a strategy session for a completely unaffiliated
company to London Underground, the meeting would have been
cancelled and the participants would have gone home as soon
as they were aware of the fact that a real attack was taking place.\ \


/ / LONDON, ENGLAND -- (OfficialWire) -- 07/14/05 -- Give me a
break. Four young men, maybe five though one chap remains a
secret at present, simply decided to blow themselves up in
support of a cause none of them had ever previously mentioned
to their families, friends or anyone who knew them. Does that
sound right? \ \



/ / Something a lot of mainstream media outlets has
yet to pick up on (or refuse to mention) is that there
was a bombing drill going on at the exact same time,
in the exact same location, as the real bombs that went
off. Not only that, but the drill was to be focused on
simultaneous explosions, which is exactly what happened
according to the BBC.

What are the chances of that happening? \ \

And not some of the bomb setters,
being the bomb setters you mean?



/ / Blair's rush to attribute the bombings to Islamic
terrorists was not supported by the statements at
the time of London police or any other investigative
agencies, or any verified evidence. Nor has any
evidence been made public as of this writing to
justify the prime minister's assertion. \ \

Wise Hammurabi suggests killing naked false accusers
like enemy Blair.



/ /Weird how Muslim charities have been targeted since 911,
but somehow this "terrorist" alneda.com has managed to reside in
Texas for three years. \ \




/ / These things can be done, but there has to be support,
and a belief that reason will ultimately win this war. \ \


/ / There is no greater privilage in living
for a better world, in defending God, in defending
what's right, what's true, and what's just. \ \





Blair rejects calls for probe into bombings

Blair refuses to allow OUR justice to prevail.



/ / And the contract couldn't be clearer between the intentions
and the hearts of those of us who care deeply about human rights
and human liberty, and those who kill -- those who have got such
evil in their heart that they will take the lives
of innocent folks. \ \



/ / In 2005, a UN panel defined terrorism: "as any action
intended to cause death or serious bodily harm to civilians
or non-combatants with the purpose of intimidating a
population or compelling a government or an international
organisation to do, or abstain from, any act". \ \


A proud God loving bushite killer confesses all


Egyptian Gov't: Al-Zarqawi Works for America

"All Evidence Proves that Al-Zarqawi Works for America"



/ / An audiotape purportedly attributed to the al-Qaida leader
and the most wanted man in Iraq, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi,
claimed that his group had kidnapped the Egyptian ambassador
to Iraq. \ \



/ / Newspaper Guild president Linda Foley said May 20 that the
US military is deliberately killing reporters, particularly
Arab journalists, in Iraq. \ \


Justice for Humanity

How much proof needed before the truth comes out?

``It is just possible that an ultimatum could be cast in terms which
Saddam would reject,'' the document says. But if he accepted it and
did not attack the allies, they would be ``most unlikely'' to obtain
the legal justification they needed.



/ / Thus, by his own admission, Bush regards war - slaughter, ruin,
chaos and terror - as the measure of success, the path to
greatness. \ \


/ / In fact, Saddam spent the months of bombardment frantically
offering a virtual surrender: unhindered WMD inspections, free
elections under international supervision, support for any U.S.
position on Israel-Palestine, vast oil concessions. But these
offers, negotiated through back channels with U.S. intelligence
and leading neo-conservatives, were spurned by Bush \ \


/ / ``The mother let off a deafening cry of anguish, but the Marines
were smiling at each other as they were leaving,'' [...] "killing
of an unarmed innocent civilian - a cold blood murder." \ \

A proud God loving bushite killer confesses all



He called Iraq only the latest battlefield in the war on terror,
and declared that "America will not tolerate regimes that harbor or
support terrorists."

"President George W. Bush doesn't deserve our allegiance. He
doesn't deserve to go back to Crawford, Texas. He deserves to go
to prison for what he did."


/ / At least 134 civilian deaths have been counted but the real toll
could be higher. More than 25 villagers were killed after US
fighter jets attacked an alleged Taliban compound in Kunar on
Friday, an Afghan official told the BBC. Most died in a second
wave of bombing after rushing to help victims of the first, he
said. \ \


/ / Harvey's evident approval of slavery, genocide and nuclear and
biological warfare would seem to put him at odds with Disney's
family-friendly image.
ACTION: Ask Disney why it finds Paul Harvey's nostalgia for
slavery and genocide and his calls for nuclear war acceptable, but
deemed Michael Moore's film unacceptable. \ \


HERO - A bushite killer speaks candidly






/ / Notice how Bush likes to pose in front of the troops, when the
reality is Bush has back stabbed the troops at every chance, check
out these links:


Read the "nothing but lip service" article by the Army Times! When
the Army Times calls out the commander and chief you know it's
really bad! \ \


/ / Instead of murdering our own families as war criminals for bush
to pilfer the undefended wallets of our grandparents, why don't we
all smarten up, and just kill the unarrested demon bush instead as
something truly Patriotic? \ \


/ / The Americans are firing bombs, everything, everything they
have on them. They are firing on Families! They are all children,
old men and women in the dessert. Other Iraqi people are trying to
help them. \ \


/ / ``The soldiers shot at the backs of people running in terror
from the APCs, shooting from automatic weapons... One of the
soldiers tried to kill me. A bullet from his weapon hit the
backpack which was on my back, and went through it, passing through
my notebook and my journalist identity card...'' \ \


/ / K.B.R. received the oil-repair and fuel contract without
competitive bidding, and after it had been secretly hired to detail
the needs and likely costs of postwar oil repairs. \ \


/ / Last year the heist amounted to $160 billion. Since he took
office, Bush has quietly spent over $640 billion of the Trust
Fund's money in this way. \ \


/ / When we asked under this law, this information law, about how
many people were taken, what was the justification, whether they had
attorneys, whether their families knew, whether their consulates were
advised, whether they could make calls, we got an answer from our
Department of Justice that we were not entitled to know. \ \


/ / Citing what he called repeated "gross errors and mistakes" in
the U.S. military campaign in Iraq, Kennedy told Rumsfeld: "In
baseball, it's three strikes, you're out. What is it for the
secretary of defense?"

"Isn't it time for you to resign?" Kennedy asked.

"I've offered my resignation to the president twice," Rumsfeld \ \


/ / When the police become militarized, and are trained with modern
military techniques, they're being taught the same thing: those
defined as "perps" are not human. That's how a grown man can stick
a submachine gun in the face of a six-year-old boy. He's not
thinking; he's just "following orders." \ \


/ / The Associated Press ran an article entitled, "FDA clears Lilly
drug in suicide". And six months after Johnson's death, the FDA
approved the drug for the treatment of depressed patients. \ \


/ / But the witness said McMillen seemed cooperative.

"Why did they use (the taser)?" she said. "He was handcuffed and
there were four officers. He wasn't going any place."

McMillen has been transferred to the Gila County Jail in Globe and
charged with aggravated assault [...] \ \


/ / I don't get it. You suddenly get evidence that strongly
suggests that this administration lied to all of us about war, and
your reaction is to dismiss the evidence? And to put down the
people who are calling you screaming about why you haven't bothered
to mention it? \ \


/ / The briefing paper says that 'military planning for action
against Iraq is proceeding apace', however 'it lacks a political
framework' [para. 1]. Translated from Foreign Office speak, the
US planners had not sold the war to the US public, i.e. had not
developed the political framework. That sale would come later
because, 'From a marketing point of view, you don't introduce new
products in August' [White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card in
September 2003]. \ \



/ / A collective psychosis is a closed system, which is to say that
it is insular and not open to feedback from the 'real' world.

[...] There is no point in talking rationally with a Bush
supporter, for example, as their ability to reason has been

[...] It is as if the dark side of our nature, or we could even say
the shadow of God, is revealing itself and incarnating itself
through the unconscious of humanity.

[...] Our unawareness of there being a psychic epidemic is itself a
symptom of the psychic epidemic. \ \


/ / An audit by the U.S. Special Inspector General for Iraq
Reconstruction said U.S. auditors could not account for nearly
$8.8 billion in Iraqi funds and the United States had not provided
adequate controls for this money. \ \

/ / ''Torture does not stop terror,''
it said. ''Torture is terror.'' \ \


/ / The hearing featured videotaped testimony from a former food
manager in Iraq for Kellogg Brown & Root who said the dining hall
where he worked in early 2004 charged the Army for 20,000 meals a
day when it was only serving 10,000, routinely used expired foods
and punished him for speaking to auditors by transferring him to
the more dangerous outpost of Falluja. \ \

/ / An Army Audit Agency report in November 2004, publicly
described for the first time on Monday, found a pattern of
duplicate billing and "excessive" costs in the logistics contract,
including a charge of $152,000 to provide a movie library for 2,500
soldiers and the purchase of more than $500,000 worth of unneeded
heavy equipment. \ \

/ / Although the UN has managed $61 billion of Iraq's oil revenues
since 1996, the global organization refuses to take $16 million from
the funds to pay Iraq's membership dues, thus depriving Iraq of its
vote in the General Assembly. \ \

/ / But wait, these are representatives of the Bush administration,
so think again. Here was a paragraph buried deep in the Times
piece that caught my eye:

"The [CIA] suspects stayed in five-star Milan hotels, including the
Hilton, the Sheraton, the Galia and Principe di Savoia, in the week
before the operation, at a cost of $144,984, the [Italian] warrant
says, adding that after Mr. Nasr was flown to Egypt, two of the
officers took a few days' holiday at five-star hotels in Venice,
Tuscany and South Tyrol."

A Washington Post report added this little detail: "The Americans
stayed at some of the finest hotels in Milan, sometimes for as long
as six weeks, ringing up tabs of as much as $500 a day on Diners
Club accounts created to match their recently forged identities."
The Los Angeles Times contributed the fact that the $145,000 tab
actually only covered accommodations. As it happens, our luxury
warriors were gourmets as well. They ran up tabs at Milan's best

All of this fits so well with general attitudes at the upper
reaches of this self-indulgent administration. \ \


/ / "We know of children under 15," Clarisa Bencomo of Human Rights
Watch told me, "held for over a year at Guantánamo Bay, whom the
government later said were not security risks." Even if a child is
found guilty, he or she should be treated humanely, rather than
tortured or "rendered," as the CIA puts it, to third parties that
torture. \ \


/ / At De Zulueta's reference to the article, Giovanardi shouted:
"It's false."

Addressing the Chamber of Deputies later Thursday, Giovanardi
called the Post article "a report without any foundation, a false
report, which the Italian government is able to deny with great
calm." \ \

/ / By once again connecting the PNAC plan to invade Iraq with the
events of 9/11, George W. Bush clearly proved that he is one lying
son of a bitch. \ \

/ / The number of bombs dropped on Iraq in March and April of 2002
was almost zero. But from May to August, that increased to 10 tons
a month. \ \



/ / You must understand that lying is not necessarily illegal.
Lying to Congress however is. Lying to Congress to start a
war is even more so. There is a word for that.
It is called treason. \ \



/ / The date - July 23, 2002 - is significant: if you'll remember,
at that time our lying president was telling us that war with
Iraq would be a "last resort." Yeah, sure. Not that anybody
really believed him, but it's significant that he still felt
it necessary to make the effort to deceive. \ \



/ / It's a shame you won't admit your a repub.
I mean you sure sound like one!! You say you
don't agree with the repubs view on gay rights?
Maybe you're just taking some agression out on
other people because you have to put with a
daily dose yourself. It must be hard being a
gay repub, huh? \ \


/ / When the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
looked into the intelligence-gathering that preceded
the war, the Office of Special Plans and other
obscure neocon-controlled governmental bodies were
declared "off limits" to the first phase of the
investigation - and then "Phase II" was
indefinitely postponed. \ \



/ / NBC reporter Andrea Mitchell similarly remarked on
June 14 (Media Matters, 6/15/05) that you had to be
"brain dead not to know" what the White House was
doing. But if everyone knew it was a lie when Bush
and the White House repeatedly denied that they
had decided to go to war (as with Bush's March 6,
2003 statement, "I have not made up our mind about
military action"), why were reporters not exposing
this bad faith at every turn? On March 16, 2003,
for example, Andrea Mitchell referred to negotiations
at the United Nations as part of "the diplomatic
campaign to avoid war." If war was a foregone
conclusion, why were such talks reported as if
they mattered? \ \

/ / Mothers of American soldiers of killed in President
George W. Bush's invasion of Iraq joined with a
constitutional lawyer before Congress Thursday to
demand impeachment of the President for lying to
force America into war. Constitutional lawyer
John Bonifaz told a Congressional hearing sufficient
grounds exist to impeach the President for lying
to Congress about the justification for the war. \ \


/ / May 2003 - General Jay Garner, appointed by
Bush as viceroy over Iraq, is fired by Defense
Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. The general revealed
in an interview for BBC that he resisted White
House plans to sell off Iraq's oil and national
assets. \ \



/ / "Hooding was sometimes used in conjunction
with beatings, thus increasing anxiety as to
when blows would come," the report said. "The
practice of hooding also allowed the interrogators
to remain anonymous and thus to act with impunity."


A military intelligence officer, who is not
identified in the report, told the ICRC monitors
that such treatment was "part of the process"
in which prisoners were given clothing, bedding,
lights and toiletries in exchange for cooperation. \ \



/ / How does one go about creating the conditions
for legality? By framing facts and intelligence
around the policy, of course. The word "Lie" does
not appear in any of the released documents, but
the need to lie, the decision to lie, in order to
justify war permeates every word. \ \



/ / This document also exposes the Bush administration's
rhetorical nonsense about "supporting the troops" by
describing how their war plans did anything but. \ \



/ / Manning said it could prove helpful if Hussein refused
to allow renewed U.N. weapons inspections. \ \


HERO - A bushite killer speaks candidly


/ / That is a high act of treason. And it's not,
"oh well, but maybe it's not true.." No, we have
the two documents of question. We have the
positions that were offered to the bush administration
on behalf of American intelligence. [the N.I.E.] That
was their position, the bush administration censored
that, re-wrote CRITICAL sentences. Fixed the intel. \ \

/ / Shouldn't a person have a right to face
their accuser in a court of law, if it's in "our"
name as a community that we're going to collectively
get together and deprive another their rights? their
freedoms? their liberties? \ \

Repeat after me:

Coast to Coast hosts are leaving us listeners out here
with the impression, that neither host have
heard of the National Intelligence Estimate,
or the NIE, that was created by pressure through
congress just prior to the war, by the cia, state
department, and eight other American inteligence
agencies, of which, the bush administration got
caught misleading the verdicts by censorship,
and outright re-writing, then bald faced lying.
Subseqently causing the creation of an
investigation by the Senant, who's conclusion stated
that the bush administration "..provided [Americans]
with an incomplete picture of the nature and extent
of the debate within the intelligence community
regarding these issues."


/ / In a September 2003 interview, Cheney claimed that the
National Intelligence Estimate of October 2002 stated there
was ``compelling evidence that Saddam is reconstituting a
uranium enrichment effort'' and the investigators will ``find
in fact that they are valid.''

Cheney's reliance on the National Intelligence Estimate is
misleading since he quoted conclusions which the report
conceded were based on ``inadequate'' evidence or were
disputed by intelligence sources. (29) \ \


/ / Months before the start of the U.S. invasion of Iraq,
members of Saddam regime and his military echelons in
Baghdad cut deals with the US Army to surrender the
capital and the rest of the country to U.S. forces. Yet
despite this no war surrender, the Bush-Blair axis
continued to bomb Iraq infrastructure. \ \


/ / On the eve of the official invasion, on March 8, 2003,
Bush said in his national radio address: "We are doing
everything we can to avoid war in Iraq. But if Saddam
Hussein does not disarm peacefully, he will be disarmed by
force." Bush said this after nearly a year of systematic,
aggressive bombings of Iraq, during which Iraq was already
being disarmed by force, in preparation for the invasion
to come. By the Pentagon's own admission, it carried out
seventy-eight individual, offensive airstrikes against
Iraq in 2002 alone. \ \

/ / U.S. Rep. Pete Sessions (R-Texas) -- a former telephone
company executive -- has introduced a bill (HR 2726)
that would let cable and telecom companies shut down
municipal and community efforts to offer broadband services. \ \

/ / But he said the incident also raised the question of what
happens to contractors if they are caught doing something
wrong, such as firing on civilians, as their legal status
is not defined. "If the marines think [the contractors]
did do something illegal there is no process they can go
through. Who are they going to hand them over to?" Mr
Singer said. "There have been more than 20,000 [contractors]
on the ground in Iraq for more than two years and not one
has been prosecuted for anything." \ \


/ / Statement Number Two: "To those who scare peace-loving
people with phantoms of lost liberty, my message is
this: Your tactics only aid terrorists, for they erode
our national unity and diminish our resolve."

The first statement is a quote from Hitler's right hand
man, Hermann Goering, explaining at his war crimes trial
how easily he and his fellow Nazis hijacked Germany's
democratic government. \ \


/ / It's the Patriot Act on steroids. Charles Lewis of
the Center for Public Integrity shared this document
with Bill Moyers, who examined it on NOW, his weekly
PBS program. That episode aired Friday, February 7,
yet even now no mainstream news broadcaster has picked
up this incredible story. Read the NOW transcript and
see the document itself online at
http://www.pbs.org/now/ \ \

/ / It seems that the Homeland Security Department (HSD)
is about to become the KGB. The first Patriot Act already
allows for people to be locked up indefinitely without a
lawyer and without being charged with a crime. If Patriot
Act II passes, then arrests would also be secret. That means
that dissenters (or anyone else, for that matter) could
disappear without a trace, just as they did in Nazi Germany,
in Stalinist Russia, and in Pinochet's Chile. \ \


/ / Not far from their home, Yavin filmed a bit of graffiti
on a wall: "Arabs to the crematoria." A Border Policeman, a
muscular, tough-looking guy, says in a heavy Russian accent,
"I am only following orders, I do what I am told." Yavin
asserts: "We simply do not see the Palestinians as
human beings." \ \


/ / Delgado said he saw an Army master sergeant lash Iraqi
children with a Humvee antenna. He recalled seeing a Marine
send another child flying with a boot to the chest, and men
in his unit pelt Iraqi civilians in Nasiriyah with glass
soda bottles thrown from a military vehicle. \ \


/ / Sensenbrenner's H. R. 1528 is Fascism, so let us call it
what it is. We show a fine sense of gratitude to our heroic
dead when we sheepishly allow miscreants like Sensenbrenner
impose the Fascism that they fought against on us. \ \

/ / "It's the biggest fraud ever committed on the people of
this country," Rangel told WWRL Radio's Steve Malzberg and
Karen Hunter. "This is just as bad as six million Jews being
killed. The whole world knew it and they were quiet about it,
because it wasn't their ox that was being gored." \ \

/ / Blair--no doubt trying to save his own ass back home
where such a lame answer would be fodder for more bad
press--came quickly to Bush's defense, saying, "No, the
facts were not being fixed, in any shape or form at all."
It was an assertion that anyone who has been following
events for the past two years knows to be totally bogus
and desperate, and which is being laughed down in Britain,
but apparently it was good enough for the tame media here. \ \

/ / "There are plenty of women in Fallujah who have testified
they were raped by American soldiers," said Abdulla. "They
are nearby the secondary school for girls inside Fallujah.
When people came back to Fallujah the first time they found
so many girls who were totally naked and they had been killed." \ \

(Don't miss "Johnny Wizard Vs. the bushmob")


(on bush's "wacko" behaviour during the 9/11 incident.)



"..the newspapers don't tell you about it,
why do you think that is soldier grunt,
nazi whore, dying slave?"


Word of Advice


/ / ``The contents of the Downing Street Minutes
confirm that the Bush Administration was determined
to go to war in Iraq, regardless of whether there
was any credible justification for doing so. \ \

/ / Ani went on to add that the main hospital and
several primary health clinics in the city need
rebuilding, but the building materials are being
prevented from entering by US forces. \ \

/ / A majority of Americans now know that the US
Government has been torturing innocent Iraqis for
information on WMDs the US Government already knew
they could not possibly have. \ \

/ / So, what will Americans do? Will they walk their
talk, and fire the liars? Will they stand up like free
human beings and refuse the dictates of an illegal
government, or will they cower and send their children
off to die, watching them walk up the chutes to the
slaughterhouse without complaint, shrugging their
shoulders that this is how life is supposed to be and
there is no point in making a fuss about it? \ \

/ / The Constitution does not explicitly authorize
the government to lie to the people, and the tenth
amendment forbids the government to arrogate that right
to itself. Therefore, when the government lies, it acts
illegally and unconstitutionally \ \

/ / The call for an international response
to this torture scandal is based on the fact that there
has not been an adequate investigation here in the United
States. If there were an adequate investigation, there
would be no need for European governments to have
investigations of their own. \ \


/ / It's all merely a crayon drawing, an intellectual wading
pool, a big messy cartoon world populated by manly white
good guys and fanged dark evil guys and we are good and
They are evil and that's all there is to it so please
stop asking weird tricky polysyllabic questions. \ \

/ / Michigan Democratic Representative John Conyers has
called the latest revelations about these attacks "the
smoking bullet in the smoking gun," irrefutable proof
that President Bush misled Congress before the vote on
Iraq. \ \

-What nation had the highest number of citizens with PhDs on the
And had more PhDs than America?

Iraq. Under Hussein's government.

/ / -What nation defended this atrocity by saying a gap
in international law allowed for burying Iraqis alive?

The USA.
http://jeff.paterson.net/aw/aw4_buried_alive.htm \ \

/ / I'm in awe... complete, dumbstruck, speechless awe. \ \

/ / John Bolton, flew to Europe early in 2002 to
orchestrate the firing of Jose Bustani, the
director of the Organization for the Prohibition
of Chemical Weapons, "because the Brazilian was trying
to send chemical weapons inspectors to Baghdad," \ \

/ / This is one of the rare instances in which US
journalists' proclivity for creating seamless
narratives around events would be wholly warranted. \ \


A bushite killer speaks freely



/ / Hello everybody. All People, it's the Son of Man here,
the Creator, Johnny Wizard, King of the Universe. Anyway
I'm a god. \ \

/ / Where are Americans to stand up for the Christian
virtues?, That are present within any concepualizations
of who God would be? Is God not Just? Would not God wish
to follow the crimes scene leads at the real murder scenes
to arrest the true evil doers? \ \

/ / Look at this: another reason to kill the enemy bushite. \ \



Falluja Repeat in Al Qa'im


/ / Iraqi civilians and doctors in the area say no foreign
fighters were present in the town. Al Qa'im and surrounding
areas have suffered great destruction, and many in the town
population of 110,000 were killed, they say. \ \


/ / Another soldier told investigators that Sergeant Loring
lightheartedly referred to Specialist Corsetti, then 23, as
"the King of Torture." \ \


/ / Senator, in everything I said about Iraq, I turned out to
be right and you turned out to be wrong and 100,000 people
paid with their lives; 1600 of them American soldiers sent
to their deaths on a pack of lies; 15,000 of them wounded,
many of them disabled forever on a pack of lies. \ \


/ / We have reported here in great detail on the voluminous
evidence establishing that the endemic, systematic torture
in Bush's gulag was instigated by the White House, sanctioned
by Bush's appointed "legal experts" who ruled that as commander
in chief, he is not constrained by laws against torture -- or,
indeed, by any law whatsoever. \ \

/ / The 2,200 documents obtained by the ACLU have been put online at:

Interrogators in Tikrit, working for the Fourth Infantry Division,
sent back an email on August 17, 2003, recommending ``open hand
strikes, closed-fist strikes, using claustrophobic techniques and a
number of `coercive' techniques such as striking with telephone
books, low-voltage electrocution and inducing muscle fatigue''. \ \


/ / noted the U.S. government's claim that its forces do their
utmost to minimise civilian casualties. ''How can we know whether
we're making any progress when a conscious decision is made to keep
that from the public?'' he told IPS. \ \

/ / Remember, these are the people who named a big giveaway to
logging interests "Healthy Forests." \ \


/ / The many organizations that have the ability to mobilize millions
of people have wasted their energies by organizing marches to empty
buildings where there is no corporate media coverage. I tried to tell



/ / Under the terms of the deal, Bechtel got $515 million to rebuild
Iraq's power generating stations; $33 million for rebuilding roads
and railroads; $44 million to dredge the seaport at Umm Qasr; $45
million to rehab the Iraqi telephone network, covering 240,000 phone
lines; $52 million for repair of the Baghdad airport; $208 million
to rebuild sewage and water treatment plants; and $53 million for the
reconstruction of Iraqi schools. \ \


The Final Straw


/ / Someone was asking me, why is that the godly people
of Creation, take such enjoyment out of killing the bushite
enemies? And, I'll tell you what it is... \ \

/ / They have no concern for the neighbor's children,
who have sacrificed their lives in a needless war.,
that only serves the interests of the neocon God haters. \ \

/ / Look at that. You can't even get a single American man,
out of the entire country, to phone Art Bell and have Art
Bell hang up on them. \ \

/ / See? \ \


/ / The legal case for military resistance needs to be understood.
In essence, the military is violating the law. It's the war
resisters who are upholding it. \ \

/ / "We are short of everything," she says, raising her voice to be
heard over the constant crying of children. "We've had nothing
from the new Iraqi Government, except some simple antibiotics; and
nothing from the occupying countries." \ \

/ / It revealed that the Prime Minister persistently lied to
Parliament and the public about the legal basis for the war.

The revelation came minutes after Mr Blair declared on TV: "I
have never told a lie." \ \


/ / `The worst thing is to shoot one of them, then go h