Students on Organizing Against Military Recruitment

By Anonymous (not verified) , 31 July, 2005
Traprock Peace Center

Hear this Campus Antiwar Network workshop on Counter-Recruitment, given to an overflow audience at Socialism 2005, Chicago, on July 3, 2005. The mp3 is 44:02 minutes - a 15.2 mg file at 48 kbps mono. Radio air play is encouraged; attribution only requested.

Elizabeth Wrigley-Field (NYU, where the CIA had attempted to institute a pilot program for recruitment); Katrina Yeaw (San Francisco State University and the "SFSU 3") and Hadas Thier (City College, NYC and the "City College 4") presented a workshop on campus counter-recruitment to an overflow crowd of well over 100 people. Many students were in the audience. This workshop - given by three leading student counter-recruitment organizers in the US - led to many discussions on how to get military recruiters off both high school and college campuses. Jorge Torres, a student counter-recruitment activist at Seattle Central Community College, moderated.

The Campus Antiwar Network is the convener of the Counter-Recruitment Contingent planned for the September 24th marches on DC and San Francisco. Many sponsors and endorsers are supporting this student initiative. For more details, see…

Hear the mp3 audio of this talk - download it for non-profit replay on radio - over the airwaves and internet radio.

mp3 - 44:02 minutes; 15.2 mg -

We encourage radio air play. We only require that radio stations notify us so we can see the reach of this program. Please notify us at 413-773-7427 or charlie[at] Websites may link to the audio on this site but may not post it to another site. The audio is © 2005 Traprock Peace Center, the Center for Economic Research and Social Change and the International Socialist Organization; all rights reserved.

See photos of the presenters with pertinent links at

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